Hahahaha Maybe, love.
Well, hahaha I don't care either way babe

So you can hunt her down if you'd like, but I wont notice
My music performance wasn't SOOOO bad.
Julia was ill, and couldn't sing, so I had to do it solo,
and I was a bit nervous, so it was shaky at the start,
but I think it worked out fine.
Yeah! only one left!
Thank god!
D: I got all eaten up by mosquitoes! my WHOLE arm! :[
They ALL think I'm soooo tasty, no one else even got bitten once!
Hahahaha hopefully, I should be able to be home alone more often now that exams are finishing up, so I can get you that first request. As for the second one, I'll have to tape us, because I've not done it with her in front of a camera yet, only on my own.
Oh! Also, I want to send you my music compositions as they are going so far!
Download Tuxguitar!
google it.
It's free.