That's crazy. And i thought doing like 3 repeats in any experiment was a lot. *blinks in wonder*
yea i think i'd do what you're doing. Forty is way too much. And like how much difference in PLANT height are you going to get anyway =.= i'm pretty sure they'd all be similar haha.
mm shadecloth o__o i have no idea. Never done anything like your expt. It sounds difficult.
well i guess not having to show the plants is a good thing.. i mean, imagine carrying them all to school LOL! AND it also means your teacher will never know how many plants you experimented on xD
and on the plus side at least it's not an exam! YAY tomatos are cool

on a random note, OMGSH YOUR DP! IT HAS RUKIA ! I LOVE HER. she's awesome! Except she should get together with ichigo already. After the 200+ [?] episodes i read, the storyline had degenerated into mindless killing so i ragequitted.