Nah, Townie wasn't there, I was just over at his place last night and today.
That was stricly a family thing.
were still a few little kids around though, they mostly screamed rather than laughed
blood really doesn't frighten me, I don't see whats so icky about it.
I was laughing my head off lol, it was such a retarded thing to do.
Yeah, we were both laughing at your rant ^__^
it was very.... I don't know the word...
seemed just angry at the world in general

feeling any better now?
still volunteering for the zoo?
hahaha yeah, me too.
It really isn't sexy, just awkward and weird.
:] good, good.
I'm 85% sure I can make it
(in other words, I think I'm free, but my parents have a habit of springing things on me last minute.)
Ughh.... I have to babysitt tomorrow.