-there is quite a bit of information on the build up of Pompey's career in these notes, but the more detailed part of Caesar and Crassus' early lives are in the notes I made for the personalities topic (Caesar). I can't really find a nice place to slot them into the fall of the republic notes, but I'd be happy to include them if you want.
-it's not just a general outline of the period; all events specified by the BOS syllabus are covered in the notes, as well as some others which I felt were important to the background of the topic.
-yes, these are the notes I used for the HSC (and thanks

-the word doc is 5pages, because I'm a little OCD with formatting (tiny margins, size8 font >__>). If you fiddle around a little with the settings (size10 font, no columns, normal margins) it's a more respectable 13pages.
-I went to James Ruse, but not really comfortable giving out my name in a visitor message. I'll PM you when I can, if you want.
no worries, I'm glad I can help.