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  • lol there are quite a few interest groups but none of them 'interest' me :L ..
    it's not lonely as there are 3 guys from high school doing my course (with same arranged timetable lol) and a few others i see on a regular basis.. so its not too bad

    but if ur unlucky it might be a little hard to make friends coz ur always in different lectures and tuts.. :'( but thats what those interest/social groups are for i guess
    theres a commerce ski trip in winter but my friends dont want to go because everyones asian in commerce!!.
    Aww thats okay as long as ur not close to the bottom of ur class!!.. wait SDD nah just kidding xD
    You'll be okay, sounds like most of ur ranks are top 10~ish or higher

    How's uni? Well i don't want to be there!! From top of the crop at high school to the bottom of the stinking ocean at uni :'(
    I'm like.. barely passing lol. Despite what everyone says, that uni is a bludge, trust me its not lol. Im lagging behind at least 4 chapters in every subject due to sheer couldnotgiveafuk
    bby u can still integrate my e-log any time ;]

    so hows high school and howd u go in ur half yearlies? assuming u just had urs lol, i cant seem to track time away from school..
    lol, I was joking idiot.

    inconcievable is stupid and hsc guide ( well it was kinda dead when he tried it in the first place ) , but its even more dead without me lols
    they have banned my IP address here before , dont know why they arent not

    anyway, fuck u dumb asian slut bitch
    I am banned from that shithole of a site lol ,prob forever (well from my home computer anyway, I can still get to it on a university computer , but I am not at uni for the next week , so yeh )
    19km hike? Ew. Wasn't it a holiday? Ew. Movement.

    Only like 4 people passed physics at my school, and not by much.

    Okay. I'll tell you as soon as I get them.
    No. None of my friends are going so I'm not. I went to the Camden Show instead... and movie mara on monday morning/sunday night.
    I phink I phuckin' phailed Mx1. IT WAS SO HARD! I didn't finish! And the only time I haven't finished a maffs test was prelim half yearly. I got 55% :/
    English = fucked. I practiced my speech, everytime I hit exactly 4 mins. I get in there... Less than 3:30. FUCK!
    Chem, pretty sure I got 80%+
    That's what I estimated in the exam.
    Bio, I estimated at like 78.9% or something. It should be more though.
    SOR is so fuckin' fuck shit.
    Me too! :D
    Later... :p

    Half yearlies :/
    But I've only got okayish stuff to go.
    Had my Bio, Chem and English on tuesday, wednesday and thursday.
    Got MX1, MX2 and SOR2 on monday, wednesday and friday.
    Fuck I hate Sor. Not studying til the night before :D
    Have you done yours yet?
    How did you go?
    What have you been doing since the 28th of february?
    I've got minis first day back next term, I think they're our half yearlies.

    yay!, whats your rank? was it a hard exam?
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