Hey man, during uni offers I got offered at Macq Uni, as well as UWS. I picked UWS because I live just 5 minutes away from it. For Macq, i'd have to catch a train for 2.5 hours there, and 2.5 hours back! UWS has its rep as a 'bad' uni, although there's nothing wrong AT ALL. It's only got it because they let in dumbasses that somehow make it into uni, but they all fail units and drop out before semester 2 lol.
Regarding the course, I like it! During HSC my plan was to do engineering, and I could have, but right at the end I switched to business and commerce because I always wanted to do business (accounting) in heart

. Nearly all unis for this course will have identical units. So you can say all of them are similar. Macquarie is a great uni for business courses, and I recommend you go to it. That is, unless you make it to UNSW or USyd, which I'd suggest you go to them instead haha. Of course you still need to put in the workload into your studies, but it's nothing too extreme.