oiii!!!!!!!!!! this is onys friend.... i only be a girl coz guyz r stupid and they fall into the trap about me being a girl... a guys weakness is the chiks strength so therefore i become a girl and take money of guyzzz

get my drift? and im not gayy we slept in seperate beds....so i hear u and ony have been talking ayyyy
nice work smooth
but stay away from him
or i will kill u in ur sleep
u worthless one...
lol jokes jokes jokes (not joking)
jus look outside ur window wen ur going to sleep
trus me
lol jks
im actually not an intimidating person...
and now u mayb wondering how sexy i am
trus me....
if there was an egyptian taylor launter
it would be......

but yer btw i was joking so dont look out side ur window
the coast will be clear
or will it?
lol dont worry it will
yala im gna leave u to ony pony...
nice meeting wif uu