Hahahaha you sure your not a guy

you like wall ball, sports, lazy and got fast metabolism

yeh same here I love atheletics but your a jumper as well, that's awesome nice, I went zone this year for 800m, 400m and 100m but I wasn't in best shape but it was awesome and should be racing next year for my church, I can't wait

lol yes we talked about life

hahahaha specifically about girls

BTW got your hungry jacks

haha thank you thank you

hahahahahaha that would be awesome in a way, you can tell everyone off without them knowing what your saying and see what I mean you get bullied by your teachers and friends, so you bully us

Lol I was wondering if you would see that and it doesn't have copyright on it

Yeh and I'm sure you'll help in many ways and you probably won't even realise, you may have already

Isaac says you must be hot if you look like her
