hahahahaha see

you would therefore hate uni, so at least say you put your first preference at uws parra lol would die from laughter if you didn't

you can't resist not talking to people so that wont work and thought you said you wouldn't like those wigger arabs hahahaha didn't you put any other uni, like other than uws?? that's aiight then, pretty cool subjects but how do you study for geo

what's in a geo exam lol
lol I didn't judge, I'm saying it according to your friend's belief and what you just said confirmed what she believes

hahahahahaha yes I will take a longgggggggggggg time

aiight ohana is unique but I like feeling like there's no worries for the rest of your days, so problem free, it's my philosophy hahahahahahaha
lol yeh they do have the extension exam tomorrow but I accelerated it last year, so i finished 2 unit and extension 1 maths last year hahaha