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  1. williamdaft

    Average salary

    yeah :/ I know my cousins who majored in finance and work for investment banks.. They're indeed very busy!
  2. williamdaft

    Does God exist?

    Same :) I would like someone to prove to me that God is just.
  3. williamdaft

    Average salary

    Ah okay! Well, I guess it's somewhat less stressful than an occupation in engineering, law or business in terms of the amount of time in/outside the office working for your firm/school.
  4. williamdaft

    Flappy birds thread

    Lol.. Make that work, eat, recreation, sleep repeat.. promise you that will be much better.
  5. williamdaft

    Does God exist?

    I can not bring myself to be a religious person. I can not believe in Gods and Angels and Heavens and Hells. It all sounds too limiting, too convenient and too anthropomorphic. I don't think religious people are wrong in believing in it however. What matters is that you believe in something...
  6. williamdaft

    Questions on myUNSW

    Yes, your student no. includes the "z" before the 7 numbers. It will be written online, on your student card, and when you sign in for wifi in UNSW, it's the z1234567 and the password you use to sign in on myUNSW. Reason.. probably, tick "Other" and you write: Add middle name.
  7. williamdaft

    Questions on myUNSW

    Yes, your student ID is your zPass no. z followed by your 7 digits.
  8. williamdaft

    Questions on myUNSW

    Same! I think everyone has that..
  9. williamdaft

    Does God exist?

    You're agnostic.
  10. williamdaft

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    hahahahhaha, I must admit I've done that a few times.. Those intense moments I was studying maths.. Got stuck at a problem. Go to the loo. Then my brain's like "OH! I can use the quadratic formula for this trig problem" or something like that.
  11. williamdaft

    Flappy birds thread

    wow dat effort lol
  12. williamdaft

    Flappy birds thread

    Hate this game, tried it for a few minutes, my high score is 1. I uninstalled the game, what a waste of time, seriously. So boring. Don't know why the heck everyone is posting their high scores of this stupid game everyday on my fb newsfeed for the past week. =.=
  13. williamdaft

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Totally agree, I did 4 unit maths and sometimes I raged when I get stuck in a problem for an hour.. leave it.. study something else or listen to songs or relax play some games whatever, come back to it with a positive fresh mind, and believe it or not, my mind clicks sometimes then I get the...
  14. williamdaft

    HELP: I failed first year commerce/law at Sydney, what do I do?

    Perhaps just focus on a single degree of commerce.
  15. williamdaft

    Why have you had a detention?

    lol that's rebellious, but even more rebellious.. my classmate overcooked a conical flask of juice on a bunsen burner until the flask exploded... best science lesson of high school! :haha:
  16. williamdaft

    Taking notes in Lectures: Laptops vs Paper. Discuss.

    yeah I agree, it helps me when I write on paper/book.. and I'm going to write anyways during exams.
  17. williamdaft

    Taking notes in Lectures: Laptops vs Paper. Discuss.

    probs pen and paper for my learning style
  18. williamdaft

    Lyrical geniuses

    Lol. Only the country and soft acoustic ones (first album + fearless). She used to do more of those back in the days. I liked those ones more. And for Ed, it would be like all of his acoustic.. coz it's just damn amazing. The other artists I mentioned, selectively some songs are very meaningful.
  19. williamdaft

    Memorising 4 essays in a week?

    It's possible But it's much wiser to memorise key points.