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  1. Anaya R

    USYD Strikes

  2. Anaya R

    USYD Strikes

    Idk if this goes in the politics part of the Website, but what are your opinions on the strikes in USYD?
  3. Anaya R

    general question

    It really depends on a few factors: 1) How big are your paragraphs? 2) How strong are your points? 3) Do you have sufficient evidence to support said arguments? In my past experience, the best essays I wrote were about 3-4 pages. In the trial, the essay I did (and got 23/25) with 3 paragraphs...
  4. Anaya R

    Train Delays

    Parking is too expensive
  5. Anaya R

    Train Delays

    Bro I don't 😭 It's on my way from Redfern to Parra Then only can I catch the bus home
  6. Anaya R

    Train Delays

    Has anyone else been caught out by the train blip today?
  7. Anaya R

    indochina help!!

    Unfortunately I haven't studied Indochina much; what I can offer is based on my (limited) knowledge. Consider bulking up point 3 - how so were the soldiers demoralised? This source and this one suggest that the relations between US and South Vietnam were fractured - could that be something you...
  8. Anaya R

    End of week 1

    Fellow USYDers, How have you found Week 1 so far? (Also if you are feeling overwhelmed there's a strike day in Week 3 so you may get a break that day)
  9. Anaya R

    What is the correct spice ratio of an essay?

    I mean different markers will have different standards for what would be acceptable for 20/20 for each section. For me, it should have enough argument that it's not storytelling (duh), be structured so that it is clear there is deeper thought behind the essay, have evidence of...
  10. Anaya R

    Unable to view sources within past HSC history Exams

    Try googling the reference and track it down. Alternatively if you can get your hands on the original paper (either from a teacher or from the HSC workbooks) then that's good too. Unfortunately since a lot of the work isn't public domain (author has to be dead for at least 70 years iirc) and...
  11. Anaya R

    Clubs and Societies

    Whatever club you choose, make sure you've joined the faculty/school/subject that you're studying. They can have great networking opportunities as well as resources that may be helpful. In addition, you can meet those from your area of study (aka friends who share the same passion in the...
  12. Anaya R

    How do people get invited to parties?

    Yeah I'd second @MJRey and what they've said. Especially when you go to your older years where there's alcohol and stuff - make sure that you know your limit and don't get too drunk. It's not fun to have a hangover at all. I'd suggest rather than party, have smaller gatherings with friends...
  13. Anaya R

    who here plays minesweeper

    https://www.wikihow.com/Play-Minesweeper You can use the Google edition
  14. Anaya R

    who here plays minesweeper

    What mode do you play? I like medium best since it's not as time tedious as hard
  15. Anaya R

    Bored of Studies - Chess Competition (3rd edition)

    The prize is you can immortalise your victory in your signature
  16. Anaya R

    Vector proof q

    Oh I had just overthought it - this is really helpful Thank you!
  17. Anaya R

    Vector proof q

    Does anyone know how to prove Q3? I can show the magnitude but not anything else
  18. Anaya R

    What does 'deallocate' mean on the USYD timetable

    1. I think the deallocate refers to removing yourself from the class allocation. If you pressed it you may have to reallocate yourself to another class. 2. It depends on what the clash is. Most clashes allowed by Allocate+ would be permissible ones because one activity would be a lecture...
  19. Anaya R

    historiography in the core study + change in the modern world

    I think it would mainly be more worthwhile for the higher marked questions. For a 5 marker, especially in core, the focus would be keeping the answer relevant without excessive waffling. Additionally, historian quotes should be used as a supplement for the answer, ie as a support to further...
  20. Anaya R

    “Book Club”?

    Finished reading Animal Farm by Orwell... definitely chilling (because of the parallels to Russia/other communist countries) Also anyone know where to get manga that isn't pirated or costs an arm and a leg?