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  1. lyounamu

    Work experience vs Honours IB

    HOLY FREAK....I need a few more whole numbers :(
  2. lyounamu

    Out of these possible majors for commerce that i want pls pick 2. (the best)

    I don't know if all these people who talk about ACTL have done actuarial studies. Actuarial studies is hardly maths IMHO. Finance is more maths with all the discounted cash flow, NPV, option pricing and etc. Accounting may be boring as hell (in my opinion), it offers the widest range of...
  3. lyounamu


    whoa...so much this year. i remember my friend getting paid like 30k like 2 years ago :S btw, with 1.1 k per month..is that given that you are going back to PwC? :O (or free?) haha
  4. lyounamu

    CADETSHIPS 2012 Discussion Thread

    Business Cadets get paid their uni fee i.e. Zurich, UBS, BNP Paribas, Westpac etc.
  5. lyounamu

    best degrees for getting into investment banking???

    best degree would be the one where you will enjoy and do very well in (given that it is related to business). But if i have to decide on that, I would say comm/law or comm/maths or comm/eco. make sure you have some work experience in one of reputable firm such as big 4 bank, big 4 accounting...
  6. lyounamu

    Work experience vs Honours IB

    on a slightly unrelated note, how can one get first class honours btw? 80+ wam?
  7. lyounamu

    Out of these two "qualifications" which is more highly likelly to INVESTMENT BANKING.

    Re: Out of these two "qualifications" which is more highly likelly to INVESTMENT BANK comm law at one of UNSW, USYD, Melbourne or ANU or other top uni in Australia as well as reasonable WAM or GPA. It has been stated many times that you need at least Distinction WAM i.e. 75. However, a lot of...
  8. lyounamu

    Actuarial Studies...

    ^actuarial role in big 4 bank? you mean risk management role right? then again, most roles at big 4 bank would be starting around 60K anyway... actuarial pay is so overrated imho...if you want money, investment bank or MC would be the way to go. In terms of choice between UNSW or macquarie...
  9. lyounamu

    Will an commerce degree majoring accounting help me later I want to be a CEO.

    Accounting knowledge is valuable indeed! Get your CA and it might help you down the track. =) But your best bet would be MC (management consulting). Getting MC experience at one of the top MC company would be good (i.e. Bain, Mckinsey, or BCG)
  10. lyounamu

    Hi! Sorry for late reply! I haven't been on the website for so long! haha Anyway, I belive...

    Hi! Sorry for late reply! I haven't been on the website for so long! haha Anyway, I belive that best way to learn maths is to learn the questions that make up the underlying ideas of the topic e.g. All Station to Central concept in Trig Ratio or trig identity. Then try HSC or exam-style...
  11. lyounamu

    Motivation --- [merged]

    Re: Motivation tips?? turn off your internet. always work as long as it is turned off
  12. lyounamu

    Should English be compulsory??

    English essay...HSC english essay...god hell no.
  13. lyounamu

    How much do you have in bank?

    Yeah, I worded my sentence wrongly. I was more than happy to help my parents financially but at the same time, it's a pity that I now have much reduced bank accout.
  14. lyounamu

    How much do you have in bank?

    lol i was referring to people who supposedly have like 50k+ coz i would have a lot of money too IF only i didn't give like 10k away to my parents =(
  15. lyounamu

    How much do you have in bank?

    wowww nice savings! how did you save that much? :O
  16. lyounamu

    Looking for experienced Chem Tutor in North Shore/North-west Area

    I have a friend who wants to have Prelim Chemistry tutoring. I am wondering if there is anyone out there who is experienced Chem tutor. She/he must be in North Shore Area or North-West down to Strathfield. If you are that someone, or know anyone, email me at lyoo01@yahoo.com.au or text...
  17. lyounamu

    Review, Review REVIEW (on maths tutoring)!

    Thank you guys so much! Keep the reviews coming =D but price-wise for places, do u know how much
  18. lyounamu

    UNSW O Week Funny

    worked at ASOC/BSOC stall for the past two days...pretty damn tiring! Funny thing about o-week? well I saw this bunch of people with weird hair cut...like really weird
  19. lyounamu

    Review, Review REVIEW (on maths tutoring)!

    thanks guys. I will share whatever info I have btw. Back in the time I attended Matrix for like 2 months, the price was aruond 30 bucks per hour...i dont know if it's same now. Also, I heard that for Dux College, it's like 25 bucks per hour. Pace-wise, I heard that du is extremely fast?