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  1. H

    Trig Question

    For the second question, at least provide your working out or diagram. Is the answer ~36m?
  2. H

    Trig Question

    The answer for the first question is wrong. Their angle BCA is 30 deg. which is wrong and should be ~50 deg. as you computed correctly. It couldn't have been a calculation error on their part as each angle is approximately 50, 60, and 70 deg. which is singificantly above 30 deg. The answer...
  3. H

    Circle Geo Question

    Excuse the horrific diagram: http://prnt.sc/dxihlj The idea is to extend the lines like in the diagram. By tangent circle geo theorem, NJ = KJ and OJ = CJ. Since NJ = KJ, then we have ON = CK = 3R + r. :)
  4. H

    Handwrite or type Essays

    Assuming your essays are going to be assessed by your teacher/tutor, writing it out by hand is better. I don't see how making a lot of mistakes is a bad thing and trying to avoid this by typing. As you make mistakes, you can rectify them immediately or list them out for future reference. For...
  5. H

    Help-marking in chemistry?

    It is clear that your teacher has something against you. These are unacceptable and illogical reasoning for losing marks. 1. Get at least 2 other teachers to inspect your handwriting with him in the same room. 2. Are all objects in the diagram distinguishable? 3. This is unreasonably...
  6. H

    applied trigonometry question!!

    Why is this 3D trig? Looking at the diagram scilove drew, I can see why you may think this is 3D by your perception. Maybe read the question again. Observing scilove's diagram from a 2D perspective, i.e. from a side-view of the hill, draw a horizontal line at point A. The angle from this...
  7. H

    applied trigonometry question!!

    The diagram is wrong because you labelled the angle of elevation at A and B incorrectly.
  8. H

    Conditioning on a random variable

    The question is from one of MATH3901's class tests and can be done with MATH2901 knowledge. Just prepping for MATH3901 next sem and the future by re-learning probability and stats again with: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2SOU6wwxB0uwwH80KTQ6ht66KWxbzTIo (Harvard's Statistics 110).
  9. H

    What's the grill-to-boy ratio for both Computer Science AND Software Engineering?

    By the immature, shallow people who value attractiveness over CS ability. That's besides the point. But I do agree with your views. My insecurities vanished when I learnt that people are too occupied with other things to worry about you.
  10. H

    What's the grill-to-boy ratio for both Computer Science AND Software Engineering?

    What is a lot? How do you know they don't do it in the absence of your presence? (e.g. in their own head, with their own circle)
  11. H

    Help! Life-changing university decision...

    It all comes down to what you want and how committed you are for it. You have an opportunity to get into the medical field and people are encouraging you but how do they know you are inherently altruistic, have a strong interest in the medical field, etc. i.e. how do they know you are suited for...
  12. H

    Conditioning on a random variable

    Thanks for that. Not sure what I was doing in my post; forgot the basics of expectation. I put xy because I was confused between the ideas of counting (adding is AND, multiplying is OR) and common sense. Whenever I'm doing maths, my common sense just gets ignored (usually for probability). I...
  13. H

    Conditioning on a random variable

    $\noindent\textbf{Problem}: Mrs. Jones has made a steak and kidney pie for her two sons. Eating more than a half of it will give indigestion to anyone. While she is away having tea with a neighbour, the older son helps himself to a piece of the pie. Then the younger son comes and has a piece of...
  14. H

    Help! Life-changing university decision...

    If money and attention are your main motivators for wanting to study medicine, then I'd advise that you re-consider. These reasons aren't specific enough and lack depth, and it doesn't seem that YOU are drawn to medicine at it's core. There are other ways to satisfy that criterion you have, why...
  15. H

    Conditioning on a random variable

    Everything makes sense now. Thank you heaps!
  16. H

    Conditioning on a random variable

    \noindent $Suppose that $X \sim U_{[0,1]}$ and $Y|(X = x) \sim U_{[0,x]}.$ The probability density function (PDF) of $Y$ can be found by conditioning on $X, \\ \mathbb{P}(Y = y) = \int_y^1 \mathbb{P}(Y = y|X = x)\mathbb{P}(X = x)dx. \\ $I understand how to identify the integral bounds. The...
  17. H

    To write or to type up summaries..?

    Summaries usually change every now and then, so it's better to type them up eventually. However, retention and immersion is usually achieved by writing notes. Using low-modality here as some people actually retain more by typing vs writing.
  18. H

    Whats everyone doing in the holidays?

    Too late for any of that nonsense. I'm fully invested in this and it will never leave my mind until resolved.
  19. H

    complex number

    Cool result. Is there a discrimnant for complex-valued quadratics?