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  1. W

    How to Write Notes for Maths Exam

    Hey man! Back in year 8 and 9 i wasn't doing so well in maths, i was good at English though.. hated my self for it - but the way i improved was constantly doing questions, whether it be from text books or worksheets, or even timing yourself completing a past paper with worked solutions so that...
  2. W

    Fort Street Entrance Exams

    Most schools dont accept other things besides report on application (30th July) if selected for interview - you bring them , but in Fort St's case, hand in on 30th july, exam 1st
  3. W

    Fort Street Entrance Exams

    Okay awesome! Thanks heaps
  4. W

    Subject selection 2014 year 11

    Thank you :)!
  5. W

    Subject selection 2014 year 11

    Thanks guys! :)
  6. W

    Subject selection 2014 year 11

    Dear fellow BoS'ers Do you recommend the following subjects for 2014? - Mathematics Extension 1 English Extension 1 Economics Software Design & Development Chemistry Physics As a suitable range of subjects for my prelim year? Thank you!
  7. W

    Fort Street Entrance Exams

    Ahh yeah haha misput 2014
  8. W

    Fort Street Entrance Exams

    Thank you so much! yes, theres still an essay that i have to hand in :3 - so the exam , in your opinion would be un-finishiable?
  9. W

    Fort Street Entrance Exams

    Are Fort St exams hard? both in school and entrance into year 11? Thank you :)
  10. W

    Entrance eXAMS :D

    HELLO! How would you suggest studying for these exams ? :/ im pretty clueless at the moment because its just syllabus content (the schools that write their paper) right? so any suggestions on methods :D? P. S i've posted alot about selective schools . THANK YOU :D
  11. W

    Selective School Application- how do I ace the test?

    as Missy said above ^ buying those papers from ACER will help ALOT - brush up on all your english text types ( im asssuming it'd be a good idea to do that) :) and i think its mathematically sciencey based maths (- the maths bit) aso extra cirricular / academics/ leadership will help ALOT - as...
  12. W

    Is Fort Street worth it if i have some problems getting there?

    Okay sounds awesome! haha i put Fort Street as my 3rd option ! im looking forward to take the exam on the 1st of Aug :), but i have to hand in an essay as well :( haha thank you for the advice!
  13. W

    Is Fort Street worth it if i have some problems getting there?

    Thank you so much for the advice! :) so the enviroment im assuming is enriching? and how many people arrived into year 11 (last year for you - )?
  14. W

    Is Fort Street worth it if i have some problems getting there?

    aha thank you nerdasdasd, its just .. gotta plan for the worst :P
  15. W

    Is Fort Street worth it if i have some problems getting there?

    because my current school is 10 minutes away, and if i dont get into my first 2 pref. then .. you know :/
  16. W

    Is Fort Street worth it if i have some problems getting there?

    Dear Fellow Bos'ers - living in the North Shore - is applying for Fort Street as my 3rd/4th option for selective schools worth it? How do you get there if lets say, you start from somewhere like North Sydney/ Milsons Point?
  17. W

    Selective Schools application

    your report looks very clean ! :) and so do your extra circular's i wish you all the luck ( the applications are out! ;) )
  18. W

    Should I even bother with 2 unit maths?

    That's true, I have a family friend who achieved 99.95 with no maths :) but if you enjoy it, you will do well
  19. W

    Should I even bother with 2 unit maths?

    maths is an integral part of the HSC ( from my point of view and my parents- ) haha i would bother :)!
  20. W

    Extension Maths?

    DEFINITELY do extention 1 maths, it is one of the best subjects you will ever do, if you like your mathematics, you will LOVE mx1 and i know alot of teachers tell you this doesnt matter but.. it scales well ! :)