Drinking 4.5L on a hot day when you are doing sports is good. However, if you are drinking 7L a day... then that's a different story. Remember you aren't a camel but a human (hopefully).
^ Too much meat but apart from that looks good.
The food I ate today wasn't good at all.
Morning: Pork Roll (In a hurry) + Water (600mL)
Lunch: Baked Beans + Eggs + Bacon (the only good one) and Bread + Water
Dinner: To be continued...
As long as you use quotation marks and tell where you got the source from, you will be fine.
Plus definitions in general should be fine if it's gotten from a textbook, just modify it a tiny bit.
Select a course you somewhat know you will enjoy, has a decent salary and is in good demand.
Civil Engineering is a safe option to take, if you are thinking of something like that.