yeah kids just remember that there are literally thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people who take recreational drugs daily, weekly and monthly and the worst thing that happens to them is they get attacked by the police
Even when the converse is true (i.e: with the war on drugs) people tend to ignore it just as much
yes I am aware on meta-analysis it just sounded funny
so parents that have carefully thought out the pros and cons of having children and are willing to spend absurd amounts of money on making sure that child arrives safely and healthily in the world are not thinking about the wellbeing of a child
but a pair of drug addled adults who don't even...
That is all very emotionally compelling however I wouldn't mind something that is properly translated into English. Europe does sound like a fucking shithole nowadays though.
If funkshen ends up bother to trawl through this shitheap, he could probably put this a bit more accurately but effectively most of the areas that the US are drone striking aren't really 'Pakistan' in the sense that we use country names. There are parts of 'Pakistan' where they are essentially...