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  1. B

    2018ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    Wow, good job. I got 80% in my first task - and I guess I just didn't have enough preparation. I feel like a legal test is going in blindly with concepts and case studies without really knowing what to expect. Would you have any tips?
  2. B

    2018ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    But it's only good once you graduate, right? I feel like the Financial Services stuff has no real future, and it looks so dry. Everyone makes it seem like robots and technology will have taken over by the time we finish uni - and the only degrees worth doing are Computer Science.
  3. B

    2018ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    I don't know. I'm probably planning on doing a semi-external degree and work full-time locally, so I don't think a cadet's that much more efficient for me. Don't you have to be a certain age to get a cadetship?
  4. B

    2018ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    How are you even meant to study for legal long responses? It's pretty hard to rote learn an essay for it...
  5. B

    2018ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    Who's coming first? VET's not that bad... Cert 3 + semi-decent people skills is a guaranteed job.
  6. B

    2018ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    Not 40%-bad XD Agreed. Can't wait til the HSC course.
  7. B

    MQ Chatter Thread

    I'm pretty sure you do... The train terminates at Strathfield or something. Doesn't it?
  8. B

    2018ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    I wish, but I'm doing worse in Legal :(
  9. B

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Yeah but wouldn't the CBD mean catching 2 trains? Transport is one of the main reasons I prefer Macquarie...
  10. B

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Lol, wut? How is it bad? Don't we have an express train to Macquarie?
  11. B

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Can you a double major in a Science Degree? (E.g. maths and software technology) EDIT: When it says that a Bachelor of Science can be done externally, does it mean every single unit can be done online and there is no need to go to the campus (even for tutorials)? I've seen that a lot of units...
  12. B

    Essay writing - what tense?

    This is interesting. Is passive voice ok in an essay?
  13. B

    Advice for Music 2 + Music Extension

    In music extension, you choose an elective from; Performance, Composition or Musicology. Performance - You play 2 pieces that total up to 10 minutes and you play another piece that has to be for a small ensemble (2 or more - you don't have to feature but your skill has to be noticeable). The 3...
  14. B

    Essay writing - what tense?

    If you're talking about what Shakespeare used, but with relation to quotes and techniques, use present (as you said - "Shakespeare uses"). If talking about context, it's fine to say 'the Elizabethan era played". If it is something you are analysing with a current primary source, use present...
  15. B

    2018ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    Thanks. I feel better now.
  16. B

    I Have an Issue With Physics...

    It's ok boredsatan - you tried
  17. B

    Need Help Choosing Level for English

    Hey, Standard and Advanced are both 2 unit subjects. Considering you're not an English person, I would not recommend Extension. However, considering you are attending a selective school, you must have somewhat of an ability in English and I believe Advanced would be your best option. It's...
  18. B

    Year 11 Subject advice please

    By Accounting, do you mean Financial Services?
  19. B

    VCE Maths questions help

    You apparently never have school...