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  1. M

    who's this hahaha?

    who's this hahaha?
  2. M

    General Thoughts: Biology

    was that fucking beaker exposed to air or not? I couldn't tell because the shading was ambiguous. If it was, it had growth because it wasn't boiled properly. if it wasn't a lid it was coz it was exposed to air. what the fuck was it somebody? (was pasteur's experiment q)
  3. M

    B6 Cut-Off Estimate

    What does everybody think? Multiple choice had some weird ones. But other than that it was pretty good. I reckon 83-86. Thoughts?
  4. M

    General Thoughts: Biology

    wtf how was it a clone "use your understanding of genetics" - crossing over = variation. therefore not a clone - possibility of mutation = variation. therefore not a clone - random segregation = variation. therefore not a clone. - fertilisation of egg = variation. therefore not a clone.
  5. M

    The 'Ask Any Biology Question' Thread

    lol dat means we in for a shit paper w00000000000t
  6. M

    The 'Ask Any Biology Question' Thread

    bio cut off is usually low to mid 80s, so yeah. The content is really easy but they mark really hard (i.e. miss something and lose like 5 marks lel)
  7. M

    Exams :)

    probs bus/eco/legal they all overlap to some extent (in terms of content) and I am in the same type of mindset. Helps that bus/eco are back to back and then legal is the next week
  8. M

    Anyone not looking forward to the Biology exam?

    trying to tell others to stop snaking so you can subtly snake others the snake game is strong with this one (notsrs you're not doing ur hsc lel)
  9. M

    business studies

    2011 was the first active year of the new syllabus. Questions pertaining to all the topics are to some extent relevant - however, some of them are not (you'll probably know when you encounter questions and are like 'lolwat'). The 2011 paper was kind of a transitional year imo - it had some older...
  10. M

    I'm so worried about my ATAR?

    The info you've provided is limited - no subjects, no marks, etc. There's an atar estimate section on the forums :) In regards to concerns - don't be. Like, I am to some extent concerned, but the hsc is going to happen and there's nothing you can do except for try your best. Just study...
  11. M

    Anyone not looking forward to the Biology exam?

  12. M

    The 'Ask Any Biology Question' Thread

    Another question: Outline a process used to produce a transgenic species. In ruse papers, they use fancy-ass methods, whereas in the textbook I use it just has isolate the gene, cut out with restriction enzyme, add more gene sequences for regulation and then inject into an organism. Is this...
  13. M

    The 'Ask Any Biology Question' Thread

    Define feedback mechanisms and explain their requirement in organisms. (to maintain homeostasis obviously but I can I have a fleshed out answer?) How does biogeography provide evidence for evolution? (organisms were once on one super continent -- tectonic movements -- evolved divergently since...
  14. M

    Anyone not looking forward to the Biology exam?

    Get your syllabus and go through Ahmad Shah Idil's notes (can be found on google). Tick off dot point you're confident with and move on. Best of luck :)
  15. M

    Marking Guidelines!

    Bullshit. Marks cannot be deducted - once you've earned a mark, you've earned it. However, if it is not concise, they can reframe from awarding you a mark (so perhaps you'll get a 6-7/8 instead of 8/8 or whatever it's out of). The markers are, to some extent, hypocrites. They expect so much...
  16. M

    Finishing Past Papers an Hour Early?

    ahahah I doubt that. I can hope, though :') Yeah, I will make sure I check everything. I can dream :') i dont do maffs i am stupid lel cum back wen i do maffs (so neva) I think english essays are more writing (and more pain mentally). English makes mi cry
  17. M

    China case study bad idea for state rank?

    In the HSC the criteria for any essay/short answer does not say: If a candidate used China as their case study, take off 5 marks because lots of other students did (if it did everybody would be screwed lol - imagine Business Studies and the Qantas case study ahahahahaha). If you meet the...
  18. M

    Finishing Past Papers an Hour Early?

    In the trial I finished with an hour and got 96%. I am first in my cohort with an average of 97. I just marked the 2013 paper and got 20/20 in multiple choice, 48/55 in the core and 24/25 in the option. I guess I should allocate more time to the core because I did lose marks for silly things...
  19. M

    Finishing Past Papers an Hour Early?

    In the trial I finished with an hour and got 96%. I am first in my cohort with an average of 97. I just marked the 2013 paper and got 20/20 in multiple choice, 48/55 in the core and 24/25 in the option. I guess I should allocate more time to the core because I did lose marks for silly things...
  20. M

    Finishing Past Papers an Hour Early?

    Hey, I've been doing Biology past papers and finishing with like an hour and ten minutes left. Um, is this meant to happen? Like, I just did the 2013 paper without trying to rush through and then I had like 2 hours left to do the option so I was just all chill. Thoughts? Should...