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  1. ohexploitable

    Medical Science VS Advanced Science

    be less asian and realise that there is much more to your life at uni than just getting a degree
  2. ohexploitable

    Medical Science VS Advanced Science

    gamsat only tests 1st year chem/bio and high school physics so both will adequately prepare you ASci defs has more freedom, i mean if you're awesome at human biology stuff then by all means go for MSci with ASci you can pick what you want to major in (from pharmacology to tree hugging!) so you...
  3. ohexploitable

    Is Sancta Sophia college really religious?

    move to unsw village instead all my college friends are dying to move into village so much more freedom better parties college food must be pretty bad too they all seem to eat out a lot
  4. ohexploitable

    Formal attire for men- what combination to go with ?

    also hummer limos are mega trashy
  5. ohexploitable

    Formal attire for men- what combination to go with ?

    hahah m8 don't get too offended or anything i'm just telling you that you have shit taste that is all you should trust a girl's perspective when it comes to this ;)
  6. ohexploitable

    Formal attire for men- what combination to go with ?

    sounds terrible no one should wear white ties and belts unless as a joke you are an adult now, you should dress like one
  7. ohexploitable

    thanks broseph

    thanks broseph
  8. ohexploitable

    Advice on my uac preferences please! I'm stuck :L

    also um apply to JCU they don't look at umat
  9. ohexploitable

    Advice on my uac preferences please! I'm stuck :L

    chances are your umat will improve next year majority of ppl i've spoken to at UNSW med sci have improved their scores dramatically (like +20 percentile)
  10. ohexploitable

    Advice on my uac preferences please! I'm stuck :L

    heh, i was in the exact same position as you last year but i re-did umat and yay :) i was tossing up between mechanical/biomedical engineering, optometry, medical science and comm/law (wtf right?) if you've never wanted to do anything besides med then i wouldn't expect you to suddenly decide...
  11. ohexploitable

    B Sci or B Med Sci / B Engineering combined

    no by the end you will have completed both degrees it's just that engineering is a longer degree
  12. ohexploitable

    Formal attire for men- what combination to go with ?

    cravats are only for matt preston
  13. ohexploitable

    Formal attire for men- what combination to go with ?

    um what (no pun intended)
  14. ohexploitable

    Formal attire for men- what combination to go with ?

    you are worse than black dress shirts
  15. ohexploitable

    Formal attire for men- what combination to go with ?

    no get a proper suit this is a formal tie no fuck no waistcoats okay don't wear a bow tie