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  1. GoldyOrNugget

    Top Achievers in Course List

    AFAIK Showcase positions go to 50/50s only. Sorry!
  2. GoldyOrNugget

    First Place in Course List

    Anyone from these forums got 1st?
  3. GoldyOrNugget

    Sem 2 2013 Results

    Enjoy your nice first-year courses with fair marks. Once again I take a 4+th year compsci course and the lecturer decides that marks should be scaled absurdly low. I doubt anyone got >90 in COMP6714.
  4. GoldyOrNugget

    "Smart kid", bad grades

    So true. OP, I have met many many people in the same boat as you. You are all just above-average. You and those like you will graduate with above-average ATARs in the low-mid 90s and will get above-average marks in uni (credit average, or distinction average if you're at the high end of...
  5. GoldyOrNugget

    Working full time and studying full time at University, is it possible or crazy

    I work 3 days a week (8-10 hour days) and study full time. That's definitely doable. 40-hour work weeks would be tough though.
  6. GoldyOrNugget

    Repetitive stress injury - extra exam time?

    Runescape is pixellated heroin. I'm ~8 years clean now :)
  7. GoldyOrNugget

    What are CPU cores?

    They probably teach basics of operating systems in many engineering and computing subjects. I'm not sure about electrical eng specifically.
  8. GoldyOrNugget

    What are CPU cores?

    Yay, theory time! :D anomalousdecay is right. The physical limits in question are mostly related to transistor size and density. You can only pack so many transistors onto a chip without causing massive overheating (the kind that can't be mitigated by fans / water / other cooling devices)...
  9. GoldyOrNugget

    General Thoughts

    Hey I still lost a mark on the multiple choice section last year :P (although I'm pretty sure my answer was correct and BOS is wrong) B is wrong because it misses the point of the question. The question is essentially asking you "why did the programmer comment these lines out?" Since the...
  10. GoldyOrNugget

    General Thoughts

    I didn't do IPT, won't be of any help. soz.
  11. GoldyOrNugget

    General Thoughts

    19 is definitely C. The code they gave has a bug in it (check the while loop condition), so they're trying to debug by making getValue into a stub that's guaranteed to return a number in the correct range. The point of the subroutine is to get the user to input a number in the range, so it...
  12. GoldyOrNugget

    General Thoughts

    Pity about the lack of algorithms. Last year's paper was chock-full of them. You lost 3 marks on MCQ and 1 mark on the exponent thing. So you're already down to 96, and that's on a paper with lots of subjective questions. I wouldn't count your eggs before they've hatched if I were you =\
  13. GoldyOrNugget

    General Thoughts

    nvm, board of studies uploaded the exam paper! Here are the answers: 1C 2D 3B 4B 5C 6A 7A (this is not ambiguous. Phone numbers can start with 0, can have non-digit characters e.g. "+614...", etc.) 8D 9A 10C 11B (debatable - archiving to a DVD could be considered making a copy of the software...
  14. GoldyOrNugget

    General Thoughts

    Anyone feel like uploading the multiple choice section? I feel left out having not sat the test :( also it will help us know for sure what hte correct answers are
  15. GoldyOrNugget

    Burnt out...

    Almost there! It sucks but you have to push through. After your english exams it'll feel like you've finished the HSC :)
  16. GoldyOrNugget

    Do i need to go tutoring for extension 2 english?

    Shadow64.. ruined it when he posted "you're" not "youre"
  17. GoldyOrNugget

    Do i need to go tutoring for extension 2 english?

    If you need to ask that, yes.
  18. GoldyOrNugget

    Software Design & Development: Scaling

    Which parts of SDD do you find difficult? Maybe your brain is just more suited to physics and chemistry. I think most people would say that physics is far more difficult.
  19. GoldyOrNugget

    Software Design & Development: Scaling

    It's a vicious circle. SDD scales badly, so smart people don't pick it, so SDD marks are lower than other subjects, so SDD scales badly. There really should be an extension software design or a computer science course aimed at 4u maths-level students.
  20. GoldyOrNugget

    How many hours?

    Last year's stuvac I studied all day these holidays. What else do you do? You can't enjoy yourself when there's so much pressure and all your friends are studying. I pretty much locked myself in the study room all day every day. Ah, those were the days...