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Search results

  1. Emily Howard

    What have you eaten today?

    ~yay meat~ ive lost 3 inches off my waist :D
  2. Emily Howard

    What have you eaten today?

    b: protein shake l: apple + oats + 2t of blueberry jam d: pork chops + beetroot salad s: dark chocolate
  3. Emily Howard

    What have you eaten today?

    b: protein shake l: nut bar, brown rice salmon avocado sushi roll d: 1 egg w me lean cuisine thai red chicken curry s: 35.5 pistachios
  4. Emily Howard

    USYD Strike

    so dey had 20 sick days a year n now da uni wants to cut dem down to normal sick days dat we all hav lyk 5-10
  5. Emily Howard

    What have you eaten today?

    b: steamed dumplings w chili sauce l: 1 piece ov toast w blueberry jam + dark organic chocolate d: steamed salmon, sweet potato n probs spinach
  6. Emily Howard

    Should we reduce the refugee intake?

    Q: Should we reduce the refugee intake? A: With fire and ice
  7. Emily Howard

    Hi I want to start Knitting

    omg i want to knit now too! make beanies, scarfs and cardigans
  8. Emily Howard

    What have you eaten today?

  9. Emily Howard

    What have you eaten today?

    b: protein shake l: canned salmon, nut bar d: two day old spagbowl s: orange, 6 strawberries, 10 peanuts, 25gm dark chocolate
  10. Emily Howard

    What have you eaten today?

    b: protein shake, banana l: nut bar, canned salmon d: spagbowl + 2 runny eggs (not enough meat in spagbowl ok)
  11. Emily Howard

    What have you eaten today?

    b: protein shake + milk l: canned salmon, rice wrap, lettuce d: ???
  12. Emily Howard

    Repeating the HSC?

    wat r yer ranks n target atar? its possibro dat da situation is salvageable
  13. Emily Howard

    What have you eaten today?

    its sweet n fruity!i lyk it much more den sake basically it smells ov ethanol but u cnt really taste it, i really lyk da stuff (inner faggot) i luv my fruity wines
  14. Emily Howard

    What have you eaten today?

    still coffee shop but ill hav to quit soon cos europe
  15. Emily Howard

    What have you eaten today?

    b: skipped running late to work l: teriyaki fish, miso soup, sasihmi salmon n tuna, cold beef w/ vege, salad n plum wine d: nut bar
  16. Emily Howard

    Sexism - The experiences of women and men

    the media got to da store first as far as i know store manager said assistant was good to media few days later she came out to media
  17. Emily Howard

    Sexism - The experiences of women and men

    oh n 4 da record: I dink all politicians r scum
  18. Emily Howard

    Sexism - The experiences of women and men

    ye seems to be a fabricated fantasy oprah is known fo dis shit
  19. Emily Howard

    Sexism - The experiences of women and men

    tony abbott continuously gets shit esp d misogynist label he gets hit wit even wen its totally unrelated if u guys r going to talk politics i suggest u watch da day to day politics ov parliament gizzard was renown for personally attackin anyone if dey questioned her, it was her tactic to avoid...