For dentistry:
In Queensland university, you need an ATAR of approximately 99.05 and a competitive UMAT but you don't have to complete any interviews.
In Sydney university, you need an ATAR of approximately 99.50 and you do not require UMAT but have to complete interviews.
Hope this has made...
In a top 30-40 school, I'm assuming a ~78 would.
I have heard stories on how people in a rank 50 school have received marks of 40 or something and then they got aligned to 70
Summarise all your learning in those subjects at the end of the week.
If you don't understand something, even really slightly, revise it and do plenty of practise questions.
Make sure you actually know what you're learning and know how to apply it!! Don't just absorb it all in and not know...
Hey guys,
The year 11 class for Ngos and Sons are currently up to Conics (already completed complex numbers and polynomials) so it may be too late to join unless you're willing to catch up on lots of work and theory.
It depends on your school.
With my school, you can completely flunk year 10 mathematics but still pick up 3 unit.
But I highly advise you do well in year 10 so you can reflect to what level of mathematics to do.
Remember to speak to your teachers for their take on if you should do 3 unit.
Yep, pretty much what Trebla said,
sin(3x) + sin(x) = 0
sin(3x) = -sin(x)
And since the sine function is odd, sin(-x) = -sin(x)
Hence, sin(3x) = sin(-x)
You should be able to solve from there, using your general solution formula. :)