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Search results

  1. I

    integrate x / ( 1 + cosx + sinx ) dx from 0 to pi/2 using u = pi/2 - x thankyou!

    integrate x / ( 1 + cosx + sinx ) dx from 0 to pi/2 using u = pi/2 - x thankyou!
  2. I

    Spiral ! would you kindly help me with a few maths questions :P

    Spiral ! would you kindly help me with a few maths questions :P
  3. I

    What nash are you? ;o

    What nash are you? ;o
  4. I


  5. I

    Integral Question

    its not a linear function.
  6. I

    Hey spiral, do you by any chance have Moriah college Maths EX 1 and 2 solutions for both 2005?

    Hey spiral, do you by any chance have Moriah college Maths EX 1 and 2 solutions for both 2005?
  7. I

    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

    fuck LoL, hoN all the way. LoL for people that have a shitty gfx and cannot run HoN and looks so childish - cartoon like.
  8. I

    24 Hour cafes ?

    Hey guys, does anyone know any 24 hour cafes ? is there a 24 hour Gloria jeans? :(
  9. I

    What are you going to miss about high school?

    Probably my highschool friends ! and the sex :D
  10. I

    Fawun, She is mine <3.

    Fawun, She is mine <3.
  11. I

    i like you :$

    i like you :$
  12. I

    When can teachers start giving CSSA Trial results back?

    Yeah, my teacher said that he cannot give them back until 20th Aug.
  13. I


  14. I

    Trial HSC - stressed or not?

    Someone has been a bad gurlllllll. I have MX1 tomorrow then I'm going to have the biggest bat.
  15. I

    Thankyou ! do you have solutions aswell ? :S

    Thankyou ! do you have solutions aswell ? :S
  16. I

    Hey spiral, do you have CSSA 2011 MX1 paper by any chance?

    Hey spiral, do you have CSSA 2011 MX1 paper by any chance?
  17. I

    How many times you failed your P test?

    Top tip: drive like you're an old grandma.