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  1. dan964

    2023 School Trial Papers

    Finally added 2023 papers (note haven't put 6 papers of the 31 yet for 2 unit)
  2. dan964

    2023 School Trial Papers

    Hi all, soon
  3. dan964

    Does God exist? Part 2

    Uniting church is definitely theologically liberal - some would add compromising. In Catholicism, it varies widely - in terms of how much is held, nominalism is quite prevalent in the Catholic church (and mind you would add parts of the Anglican church). I think fundamentalism is thrown around...
  4. dan964

    Does God exist? Part 2

    There is a whole thread on this topic TBH: https://community.boredofstudies.org/threads/same-sex-marriage-debate.366861/ Christian's should not be "iffy" on the Old Testament. Some history (biblically speaking) and theology: The law given at Sinai from God was initially for the Jews/Israel...
  5. dan964

    Does God exist? Part 2

    Hi carrotsss, I might be in that "crazy fundamentalist" category based on your description. (The fundamentalist term is loaded and thrown around carelessly but that is a different problem) But you'll find that generally Christian orthodoxy both historically and nowadays (or what you call...
  6. dan964

    Does God exist? Part 2

    I agree with 011235 on a lot of his points. But thought to add my only response to some points.. Several reasons I disagree with this. 1. It really overestimates the power of the scientific methodology and proof in determining truth/reality. Science is certainly useful but it is important to...
  7. dan964

    2023 HSC chat

    maybe don't tempt me. #touchwood
  8. dan964

    2023 HSC chat

    all except 2022 ext 2 up. just got sent a tonne of 2u and ext 1 papers for 2023. and some ext 2 (but not as many) reasons here: https://boredofstudies.org/threads/thsc.404949/#post-7494192
  9. dan964


    all up now except 2022 Ext 2 trials
  10. dan964


    pretty sure acehsc just cloned everything on thsc.
  11. dan964


    Yeesh, its only temporarily unavailable (2021 & 2022 papers for maths only) for maybe a week or so due to the rudeness of some people on another Discord forum (think doxxing stuff, not me thankfully) and also due to the toxic "gatekeeping" kind of behaviour. But there are instructions on how...
  12. dan964

    2023 School Trial Papers

    too many gatekeepers
  13. dan964

    past math preliminary papers

    acehsc just poached most from thsc originally but occasionally has its own stuff which then i poach back :P
  14. dan964

    2023 School Trial Papers

    Hi Xyzpt Not yet! Noting science papers are usually behind a year - so I have 2022 ones that will be put up soon regards
  15. dan964

    Preliminary past papers

    I've been sent a bunch I'll try to see if I can get them up at some point.
  16. dan964

    Maths Ext 2 - Useful Threads & Resource List

    Hi buchanan, have amended original post with new link
  17. dan964

    Should there be an Aboriginal voice to parliament?

    While I agree with a lot of what enoilgam has said. I lean towards No for the following reasons: Vagueness of the proposal and the details. I was listening to the Senate inquiry in this, and a lot of the questions were answered that it was a matter for the Parliament. So there is not confidence...
  18. dan964

    Is Australia racist?

    And your data to back this? You cannot make an empirical argument with no data. We'd have to agree to disagree on your first bit, because historically yes that IS that definition used and a lot of English dictionaries, encyclopedias and is the common understanding at the moment. Now whether...
  19. dan964

    Is Australia racist?

    All the figures quoted were around 58% being the largest, so with 13% variance still gives a range of approximately 50-70%, so what's the point you are trying to make? The logical argument can be made both ways, genetic factors do not necessarily explain variation in intelligence either - it...