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Search results

  1. kat-

    Most Beautiful Women

  2. kat-

    Which schools got 99.95's?

    Sydney Boys had 3
  3. kat-

    Which schools got 99.95's?

    Carlingford High had 1.
  4. kat-

    Ending of Gossip Girl

    Chuck and Blairs son is perf omg
  5. kat-

    fawn ma man

    fawn ma man
  6. kat-

    happy birthday!!!!!! (according to fb) this is your birthday song sorry it isn't very long

    happy birthday!!!!!! (according to fb) this is your birthday song sorry it isn't very long
  7. kat-

    why you talking to me here i never come on anymore finished like 10 mins ago 750~ words gonna...

    why you talking to me here i never come on anymore finished like 10 mins ago 750~ words gonna shower/sleep cya tmr
  8. kat-

    Goodluck!! :D Yeah I heard they were playing Viva la Vida! I'd rather not say :p one in the city...

    Goodluck!! :D Yeah I heard they were playing Viva la Vida! I'd rather not say :p one in the city though
  9. kat-

    Which is your favorite subject :D

    science :inlove: it's beautiful haha
  10. kat-

    Wassup :D Not bad, doing assignments and all that, wbu? I hardly go on bos anymore :L I see you...

    Wassup :D Not bad, doing assignments and all that, wbu? I hardly go on bos anymore :L I see you like Coldplay - they're the best! i'm trying to get tickets for their concert this year bu they're so pricey :(
  11. kat-

    Years 9 & 10 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    Um we're mixing between electricity and chemical reactions so it could be either one :/
  12. kat-

    Years 9 & 10 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    Recently got the most stupid Science prac exam notification: The task is an assessment of your ability to carry out specific scientific skills, including practical work and analysis of data. You will be required to carry out an individual independent investigation and also analyse data and...
  13. kat-

    uuuuuh not exactly :L weather was horrible though sunny->windy and rain

    uuuuuh not exactly :L weather was horrible though sunny->windy and rain
  14. kat-

    had school enough said :p

    had school enough said :p
  15. kat-

    Umm not sure but my manager mentioned something about an armed robbery happening some time...

    Umm not sure but my manager mentioned something about an armed robbery happening some time before :S i think the managers have gotten more nice, i'm hardly on fries anymore and usually serving :D nah i'll live, Maccas isn't the best but it's convenient and i'm getting used to it :p Actually.. i...
  16. kat-

    Smart Tattoos

    They're awesome if they have a really special meaning behind them but if it's something meaningless then obviously it's a stupid decision like for eg one of my friends wanted a freaking anchor on her ankle for no reason lol
  17. kat-

    Earrings on guys?

    yay goodluck, don't cry when they do it :p
  18. kat-

    Earrings on guys?

    DO IT! I love them, eyebrow piercings are even better ;)
  19. kat-

    Unlocking 2012 DET Laptops?

    One of my friends did this and also stole two other laptops then proceeded to get a $900 fine and criminal record ~true story~
  20. kat-

    BoS Poker League

    I think I'll pass tonight have a headache