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  1. Susu123

    HSC timetable

    also my arm starts hurting so im gonna be jacked by the end of the paper i can already feel the arm muscles forming
  2. Susu123

    2024 HSC Chat

    i have the same question 😔 might get more replies if you make a separate post/thread for this
  3. Susu123

    HSC timetable

    nah fr cuz i tried writing under timed conditions yesterday and even i dont quite understand what i wrote - MY LIFE WOULD BE SO MUCH EASIER IF PAPER 2 WAS 3 HOURS ISNTEAD OF 2 also, everyone keeps saying that they need to memorise 3 essays - no, you need to memorise 4(i am atleast), remember...
  4. Susu123

    HSC timetable

    my biggest weakness if that i cant write fast for the love of god ughhhh im gonna try out new pens i hope that works lol if paper 2 was 3 hours instead of 2 i would be SO much less stressed
  5. Susu123

    2024 HSC Chat

    damn bro it sounds like you were really suffering cuz of that subjects, its probably best to drop it if thats the case im glad they took it well tho!
  6. Susu123

    2024 HSC Chat

    how did it go
  7. Susu123

    HSC timetable

    nah cuz why am i more stressed about english than 4u
  8. Susu123

    HSC timetable

    yeah same for me, but i think if i can get it done first i can actually focus on my other subjects + if it was last, i will get less time to practice cuz i will need to study for and go tot school for all the other exams
  9. Susu123

    2024 HSC Chat

    yeah same i think watching short form content has so significantly decreased my attention span, and it has also decreased my ability to remember things- like do you remember what you even watched 3 shorts or 3 tiktoks ago? its like it has conditioned us to forget things quickly
  10. Susu123

    2024 HSC Chat

    oml i hope you slayed 💪
  11. Susu123


    im taking a break today cuz its the last day of the holidays 😭 just finished season 1 of 13 reasons why, and almost finished season 3 of young royals also caught up with some yt channels heheh gonna take my dog on a walk soon
  12. Susu123


    my update heheheh: english - wrote one singular essay on KRIII and LRF cuz my teacher told me it mafs: learned stats for 2u/3u, finished integration for 4u and started mechanics, did like 6 3u trail papers physics: oh shit i forgot about this subject chem: tried to memorise mod 7 reactions and...
  13. Susu123

    If you get 100% on every internal assessment and 100% in the HSC, does that mean...

    someone told me they judge ur handwritings and way u work stuff out to find out whos first
  14. Susu123

    it means piss in my language

    it means piss in my language
  15. Susu123

    HSC timetable

    ive just accepted it atp
  16. Susu123


    in part a, you need 3 distinct students, cuz 1 person cant get both the first and second prizes, so for first prize, its 10, for second, its 9 (cuz a kid already got first) and for third place its 8 (2 kids already got and award) therefore 10x 8 x9 or 10P3 however, in part b, if a child has...
  17. Susu123

    HSC timetable

    i hope you have ft on the last day of the hsc and physics the day before
  18. Susu123

    HSC timetable

    funnnn (kill me)