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  1. P

    Semester 1 Timetables

    Central timetable says there are two ECMT1010 classes on Monday and two on Thursday, both 8-10PM If I block both Thursday and Friday 8-10pm off but it doesn't move to Monday 8-10PM, does that mean the class is currently full? :confused2: I would really love it to be moved to...
  2. P

    USYD B Eco v.s MAQ B Com-Prof Accntg + B Appd Finance

    True, grades and extra curricular and work experience are also very important.... I think I have almost decided on a personal level. Just have to speak to the parents / elders and get it past them :)
  3. P

    USYD B Eco v.s MAQ B Com-Prof Accntg + B Appd Finance

    In pure terms of "majors" and learning content and post graduate qualifications / accreditation, Macquarie does seem to have the edge.. I think it's better to sit on a knowledge of Finance and a CPA licence, rather than Economic knowledge and a CPA licence. But name USYD > Macquarie anyday...
  4. P

    USYD B Eco v.s MAQ B Com-Prof Accntg + B Appd Finance

    Thanks it does help with my decision, the one thing that I am still stuck is as follows... I hear that accountants in Australia are in over supply, hence for me to survive, there would be a large possibility that I'll have to try and work elsewhere, preferably Hong Kong as I have heard a lot...
  5. P

    USYD B Eco v.s MAQ B Com-Prof Accntg + B Appd Finance

    Dear BOS forum! I need major help with deciding whether to stay with B Eco @ USYD or go B Comm- Prof Accg + B App Fin @ MAQ Long story short: Wanted to get into Bachelor of Commerce @ UNSW to major in Accounting and Finance for a while , didn't get offered in Main round and Late round. I was...
  6. P

    EAS points?

    Yes, they have a lot of applications to process and only start doing so after the deadline closes.
  7. P

    Share your 2011 HSC results here

    which calculators are the ones to go?
  8. P

    Share your 2011 HSC results here

    Use your "HSC PIN" you received in the mail in december, it's a completely new one
  9. P

    Share your 2011 HSC results here

    what calculators out there to use guys? :/ cheers
  10. P

    Most accurate ATAR calculator?

    which three are they? cheers
  11. P

    Multiple Choice in Extension Maths Harder or Easier?

    don't see the real need to put MC in HSC maths. It actually makes it harder, check out the sample questions on the board of studies. You do a lot of working out for 1 mark, whereas in our old system, we'd probably be awarded 2 marks at least for all that working
  12. P

    HSC students' maths paper 'cruel and difficult' (SMH)

    Re: Lol people from bos mentioned in smh article Ahh haha yes, the complexity and grey area of online intellectual property and the notion of posting on a forum that you don't own... is possibly submitting all your rights to the forum owner. But yes, in general as a warning to everyone... if...
  13. P

    HSC students' maths paper 'cruel and difficult' (SMH)

    Re: Lol people from bos mentioned in smh article lol xd!!
  14. P


    Re: hah i done ALL exams. congratulations 恭喜! I have economics on friday tomorrow, then last exam is physics next friday == whole week to study.. haha
  15. P

    HSC students' maths paper 'cruel and difficult' (SMH)

    Re: Lol people from bos mentioned in smh article However, if I'm not wrong... anything that you post online is your intellectual property and yes, they have to ask before using it. Otherwise it infringes copyright
  16. P

    HSC students' maths paper 'cruel and difficult' (SMH)

    hurray, it made news!! that's good, because surely now, people from high above should get the message. I was never top gun at MX1, but I slowly and steadily improved over time, from 20% in my very first year 11 MX1 test to a decent enough 60% in trials. I was personally satisfied with my...