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Search results

  1. Sacredoblivion

    Rape appeal for "cultural differences"

    Re: Rape! It's ok if you're a Muslim! I'm neither condoning nor condemning this person's action, but everyone has the right to appeal a sentence. Who are we as society to deny a person to access this right, and then judge him upon accessing his rights. We can reject his appeal, but there is...
  2. Sacredoblivion

    Should English be compulsory??

    English in terms of study of grammar and syntax so people can actually write properly should be compulsory. Studies of literature should not be.
  3. Sacredoblivion

    Do state rankers usually get tutoring?

    Dennis went to Talent, here is his pic http://www.talent-100.com.au/testimonials.php
  4. Sacredoblivion

    Sony Xperia Z

    Hey Everyone, If you are interested in the upcoming Sony Xperia Z Smartphone, I can pre-order one for you and have it shipped to you. Don't miss out on this 5 inch 1080p 4G smartphone that will rock your socks off. It will cost $750 for outright with free shipping and delivery. PM me if you...
  5. Sacredoblivion

    Suggestions for a good asian economy?

    China's the best and easiest. Loads of info, you can talk about the various reforms and Five Year Plans, and how they have shaped China's economy, movement from State Owned Enterprises (basically governemnt run business like the old tesltra, Australia post etc) to Special Economic Zones (areas...
  6. Sacredoblivion

    Sydney Grammar integration question

    Lolol, I remember doing this
  7. Sacredoblivion

    UWS Medicine Degree DILEMMA!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAqDnfjUalo Watch the end hehe
  8. Sacredoblivion

    What is diff. between Early round and main round?

    Yes. I got UNSW Med for my main round and USYD Med for my late round, you can have two offers (actually you can have an offer each round if you change your preferences and if you choose courses which offer in the earlier rounds) and then decide by the deadline later in January (I think??)
  9. Sacredoblivion

    UWS Medicine Degree DILEMMA!

    Fatboi is correct, for specialities (ie RACS/RACP), they only consider the last two years before your application, and it is virtually impossible to apply for RACS/RACP two years out of uni. What does this mean? They really don't care about which uni you graduated from, or the marks you produced...
  10. Sacredoblivion

    Upper North Shore Tutoring: 99.95, State #1 Chem 2011, Med/UMAT

    UNSW is shorter, I also come out with an MD rather than an MBBS and I get to study med from day 1
  11. Sacredoblivion

    Marks required for a 99.95 atar

    One of my students got 96 chem, 94 phys, 98 MX1, 95 MX2 and 94 Eng Adv, and got 99.90.
  12. Sacredoblivion

    Which university is best for business?

    Depends what aspect of business. For actuarial studies its macquarie/UNSW, for straight business/commerce its UNSW/UTS because of the business opportunities/co-op, although Macquarie isn't that bad in that regard (they have plenty of business links too)
  13. Sacredoblivion

    Upper North Shore Tutoring: 99.95, State #1 Chem 2011, Med/UMAT

    I was running an intense 5 day Chem course at UTS, focusing on Production of Materials and half yearly exams. Unfortunately, due to a lack of numbers the organisers have pulled the plug, but I still have my materials if anyone is still interested for 5 days of Chem.
  14. Sacredoblivion

    Upper North Shore Tutoring: 99.95, State #1 Chem 2011, Med/UMAT

    Thanks for that. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
  15. Sacredoblivion

    Upper North Shore Tutoring: 99.95, State #1 Chem 2011, Med/UMAT

    Hi there, Im going to be to the point. ATAR: 99.95 UMAT: 96 Degree: UNSW Med (2nd year) High school: Sydney Grammar School Class of 2011 Subjects: MX1: 100 (3rd in school) Chem: 98 (1st in State, 1st in school) MX2: 97 (7th in school) Phys: 96 (1st in school) Eco: 96 (1st in school) English...
  16. Sacredoblivion

    Does the school you go to really matter?

    I don't think it really matters which school you go to at a fundamental level in terms of academics, this is what the HSC and UAC have attempted to address through scaling (but it doesn't completely negate it). However, it certainly helps if you go to a good school (i'm using the term good...
  17. Sacredoblivion

    How to get a 99.95 + State Rankings

    Dude, never buy essays, or copy other people's ideas. Mimicking is a much more inferior way of learning compared to your own intuition or ideas. What you should do for English is get a copy of the rubric and see if your essays/creative follow the guidelines and outcomes of the rubric. For...
  18. Sacredoblivion

    assistance for a laptop noob

    Dell Inspiron 15R Special Edition. It's less than 3kg, and has the options of blu-ray and 1920x1080 screen. Has skullcandy speakers, 1tb hard drive with a 32gb mSata cache, 3rd gen i7 processor and a 2gb AMD7730m gfx card for all your gaming. I play BF3 on medium settings and ultra textures and...