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  1. C

    Looking to go maths tutoring - Talent 100, Dr Du or Mr Ye?

    I get that competition is helpful for some students... but those at selective schools get that at school. I understand the motivation of the tutoring companies, largeish / classroom groups is much more profitable than one-on-one tutoring, and I understand the appeal that the cost for each...
  2. C

    Are we gonna live with the COVID pandemic?

    Vaccinations and treatments work in different ways. mRNA vaccines targeting spike proteins may become less effective if the genetics of those spike proteins changes. Vaccines targeting viral replication inside cells may be unaffected. We just don't know for sure on omicron yet. Further...
  3. C

    Are we gonna live with the COVID pandemic?

    The evidence to date on omicron (and it is far from conclusive as yet) is that it may be more easily transmitted, but it is also relatively mild for those who are vaccinated. It's a reason for concern and investigation by health authorities... it is far from a reason to over-react or panic.
  4. C

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    I accept that, of course, just as I hope you accept that jazz and my logic as to what the answer is (even ignoring the oxidation issue) is correct. :)
  5. C

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    As far as I am aware, the answer to the second question is "no". Looking at the question without that information, we know that 1-propanol will oxidise with permanganate and will be miscible, so 3 must be 1-propanol. The other miscible compound, 1, must be propanoic acid. You then have two...
  6. C

    Looking to go maths tutoring - Talent 100, Dr Du or Mr Ye?

    Other than cost, what is the appeal of classroom-style tutoring that is similar in nature to school teaching, as opposed to individual tuition?
  7. C

    HSC Chemistry 2021 Exam Solutions

    Yes, it was gratifying to me that some students who took the 2021 BoS paper picked up ideas it explored that were applicable in this HSC paper. Exposure to enough challenging questions definitely helps students to cope with unfamiliar challenges when they appear on assessments. I used...
  8. C

    Binomial expansion Question: Expand (1+2x-x^2)^5 in ascending powers of x as far as the term containing x^4

    I am very confident that this is the approach that is intended, though there can be more efficient ones, such as the one @Lith_30 suggests
  9. C

    HSC Chemistry 2021 Exam Solutions

    I have seen a couple of trial papers with MCQ that couldn't be answered without knowing that alkenes can be oxidised by permanganate (not requiring knowledge of the products, however)... it just makes me wonder. They got creative with equilibrium constants, including combining them (which I...
  10. C

    HSC Chemistry 2021 Exam Solutions

    Do you think q21(b) is fair, in that oxidation of alkenes is not covered in the syllabus... and yet, the answer can also be deduce by a process of elimination?
  11. C

    2021 BoS Chemistry Trial - Marking and Answers

    Thank you very much, @Loquaar, it is gratifying to hear that the paper was helpful for your HSC exam! :)
  12. C

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    Titre 1 is clearly a rough titration and should be discarded. I would penalise including it in finding the average volume. With regard to the rest, proper technique is to repeat until 3 concordant values are obtained, this being three values with a range of no more than 0.1 mL. So, PEAK are...
  13. C

    Help i need some last minute chem help I always stuff up my molar ratio - whether to times by 2 or divide by 2. does anyone have any tips that helps t

    I think about it as a ratio. Taking jazz's example, if I have fermentation, C6H12O6 ---> 2 CH3CH2OH + 2 CO2, and want carbon dioxide from glucose, it is: \cfrac{n\left(\text{CO}_2\right)}{n\left(\text{C}_6\text{H}_{12}\text{O}_6\right)}=\cfrac{2}{1} where the ratio is carbon dioxide over...
  14. C

    what time in the year was this years hsc written?

    I think it is more finalised in April than written then, the process extends over months
  15. C

    Complex number help

    There is a typo, FYI, in (b): The part in blue should be \cos{\cfrac{n\pi}{4}} = 0 \implies \cfrac{n\pi}{4} = \pm \left(k + \cfrac{1}{2}\right)\pi \implies n = \pm(4k + 2)
  16. C

    Where am I going wrong

    Also need a test to prove that the result calculated does correspond to a minimum.
  17. C


    If the school has refused for you to sit the exam due to illness, and so informs NESA, that is a strong basis for illness / misadventure being granted, especially coupled with a medical report. It's hardly reasonable to expect someone with a gastro upset, vomiting, fever, and difficulty walking...
  18. C

    Old resources website

    I tried the wayback machine too. Only two economics-related pages are archived but the resources were not archived.
  19. C

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    The peaks are small, but they are present... here is an enlarged picture of the MS: Note that posting this image is not a copyright violation as CSSA does not hold the copyright on these... the images come from the Spectral Database for Organic Compounds, as the paper acknowledged.
  20. C

    Molar Ratios for Equilibrium vs Complete Reactions

    I believe that @jazz519 posted a solution to this question recently in another thread.