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  1. trecex1

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    you won't be able to 'self learn' the hsc course for physics. In fact you won't be able to self learn any subjects that "should" take 100+ hours over 3 terms in 2 weeks.
  2. trecex1

    ATAR scaling for general math & standard english vs advanced

    They both scale really low and standard english alone is more than likely going to drag your atar down by a lot.
  3. trecex1

    Share your pre exam routines

    With externals in a month's time... Post what you're doing/planning to do straight before an exam- E.g Stay up late the night before/skip breakfast/read notes until the last minute/relax / sleep in (for those afternoon ones)
  4. trecex1

    smashed trials but ranks still bad

    As others have said just try to get the best external mark possible. Your assessment mark probably won't be amazing but hope for the best.
  5. trecex1

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    TFW you're 2nd in 3U internals by 0.8% ...oh well
  6. trecex1

    Why is the IPT forum dead?

    not sure if srs
  7. trecex1

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    pretty sure our school gives us jerseys in the last term before the hsc rofl
  8. trecex1

    Physics please help!!!

    It doesn't say relative to the planet, if the planet is used as the frame of reference then the slingshot effect won't appear to have any effect since it doesn't increase the speed. That's why the speed and direction both change.
  9. trecex1

    Physics please help!!!

    What do you mean the velocity changes but the speed remains constant? Assuming these are all relative to the sun, a space probe's velocity increases from the transfer of kinetic energy and momentum from the planet, its direction also changes as it's 'curving' around the planet. Velocity is just...
  10. trecex1

    Do we need to revise our Prelim Notes for the HSC or just Year 12 Notes?

    No you definitely don't For maths what you learn in yr11 should be second nature such as applying differentiation etc. And who writes notes for maths anyway? English- obviously not since none of the texts you do are the same, unless you're planning on reusing a related text for yr12. For...
  11. trecex1

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Does everyone here study Friday and Saturday nights?
  12. trecex1

    State ranks #2

    yea, definitely not. The guy who came 1st in mx2 in 2014 wasn't ranked 1st at ruse. Something like 4th or 5th. And math is a subject where you'd think internal rankings matter a lot.
  13. trecex1

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    The make it up as you go along one.
  14. trecex1

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    So is the memorising route the only way to go in english?
  15. trecex1

    Why do people look for tutors?

    Because many teachers don't go into detail for a lot of content and don't explain concepts that well either, especially for math and sciences. Even if you go to a top 10 school with at least decent teachers -if everyone else is getting extra tutoring you don't want to fall behind them (which you...
  16. trecex1

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Are markers even allowed to do that? Obvious bias if they are - maybe appeal to your headmaster. yeah if it's prelim then do it. Tbh personally I would not in the hsc if 1 mark had a significant impact in internal ranks - only because I know people who have received extra marks from counting...
  17. trecex1

    Is there any hope?

    No to your question on if externals are pointless because it is "accommodating for those highly ranked" because it does not work that way. And whether or not you can make a comeback depends: your external performance + your cohort's external performance.
  18. trecex1

    Is there any hope?

    No, because they only "steal" your mark for their moderated internal mark, you keep your external mark. Final hsc mark for your subject will be the average of the two.
  19. trecex1


    It's in the cambridge text book, most schools don't teach it, but you can use it if you want to. Havent seen any 3u questions where implicit was necessary to do it.
  20. trecex1

    I need hints for the following

    b) you can just apply g=Gm/r^2 since you have g from part a)