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  1. Cute-Duckie

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    no they had their interview in term 3, and then got the acceptance week 1 term 4
  2. Cute-Duckie

    Explanation of HSC Marks (Moderating)

    damn 100/100 for 4u is crazy
  3. Cute-Duckie

    Maths Standard 2 HSC Solutions

    its pretty late compared to advanced and extension 2 lol
  4. Cute-Duckie

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    ik someone who got their acceptance thing like a week ago
  5. Cute-Duckie

    2024 HSC Chat

    so therefore to just get the gst for the $242 you divide by 11 (which is 22) and then to get the gst for the $100 you divide by 10 (which is 10) and then add those two together so the total gst is $32, which is c
  6. Cute-Duckie

    2024 HSC Chat

    220 is divided by 11 (not 10) because the gst is already included in the total amount to get the gst to an amount that doesn't have it you divide by 10 and then add that to the original to get the original price of an amount that already has gst included you divide it by 11 and then times that...
  7. Cute-Duckie

    Ancient History Predictions/Thoughts

    ill be happy with anything where I can yap about the persian wars honestly, if it's anything else then I'm stuffed
  8. Cute-Duckie

    Ancient History Predictions/Thoughts

    bc they had it last year as a big question, so it's unlikely to repeat
  9. Cute-Duckie

    Ancient History Predictions/Thoughts

    i dont know what half of them do 😭
  10. Cute-Duckie

    Ancient History Predictions/Thoughts

    greek world is killing me slowly until i curl up and die
  11. Cute-Duckie

    Ancient History Predictions/Thoughts

    same here 😭 i keep doing practise question plans but only on pompeii and herculaneum and i rlly need to do some on greek world bc im failing it but im so not bothered
  12. Cute-Duckie

    ATAR estimate please!

    @jimmysmith560 work your magic
  13. Cute-Duckie

    2024 HSC Chat

    ive been doing question plans for the past hour and have learnt that i know nothing :D
  14. Cute-Duckie

    Predictions for Maths Standard 2 exam?

    nesa normally releases them online a few days after
  15. Cute-Duckie

    Predictions for Maths Standard 2 exam?

    what were the last few qs on?
  16. Cute-Duckie

    2024 HSC Chat

    sure she did buddy
  17. Cute-Duckie

    Ancient History Section IV - Historical Periods

    If you can then that's ideal, you can do it if you just spend 5-10 mins on each plan
  18. Cute-Duckie

    Ancient History Predictions/Thoughts

    maybe not that specific but i reckon there's a good chance we get something on the eruption
  19. Cute-Duckie

    sick before a hsc exam

    yes definitely tell them and come in with medical documentation, you may be able to get an estimate or added marks or smth because you were disadvantaged, also email them today and let them know so they can tell you what they need from you
  20. Cute-Duckie

    Relationship Advice

    same here 😭