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  1. E

    Anyone did two or more major works?

    Yep, as you can tell by my sig, I did English Extension 2 and Drama in the same year. You should make sure you plan out your time and that you stick to your deadlines. Work steadily throughout the year to avoid the stress. (loljk there's always a lot of stress around submission time) But it...
  2. E

    Can I use a previous edition of Tim Riley's economics textbook?

    Parramatta council libraries should definitely have the book. Otherwise just buy it off a past student if you want a textbook.
  3. E

    Conflict between economic objectives

    A higher ToT doesn't necessarily mean a loss of international competitiveness. It could reflect higher export prices due to higher commodity demand and commodity prices.
  4. E

    99.80 ATAR | 96 Legal Studies || Essays and Guide for HSC Legal Studies

    ^^is very kind of you esaitchkay is a topbloke, go buy his stuff. these legal resources are a steal!!
  5. E

    Rookie questions on related texts

    And your relateds don't need to be about nature. After all, you're discussing the broad and complex nature of discovery, not nature. You can also connect your relateds on how they represent discovery differently.
  6. E

    Rookie questions on related texts

    Page 36 onwards has the list of all prescribed texts for English. http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/syllabus_hsc/pdf_doc/english-prescriptions-2015-20.pdf Probably best to stay away from the drama prescriptions as well, since some texts cycle between drama and English...
  7. E

    What are your opinions on these?

    If you feel your argument 'jumps' too much, try to maintain a logical flow of argument by designing your thesis outside the texts, using the texts as textual evidence for your argument. That way, your argument should be able to flow between texts without jumping too much.
  8. E

    What are your opinions on these?

    1. - Titles are always fine. It is quite possible that the title is added at the end, so a title doesn't really mean that the story is pre-prepared. - For verbs, there are no rules. What fits in best with the pace that you're trying to create? - Showing is for being gentle and delicate...
  9. E

    What kinds of monologues get the highest marks?

    It really depends on the actor's individual abilities. For the IP, actors should do monologues that align best with their skillset (whether that be naturalistic or non-naturalistic, vocal/movement skill based, etc.)
  10. E

    Best Economics Textbook

    Dixon + Riley + Bulmer pls. But at times, bulmer can be a bit bul.
  11. E

    How many words do you write in 60min ?

    About 8-9 pages for economics, not memorised. And about 1400 for english extension 1, with time to plan. Not quite memorised, but went into the exam with points learned.
  12. E

    Changing your I.P during the Christmas holidays??

    It's fine to change. And I'm sure you can use some of your ideas from your video drama in your folio.
  13. E

    Products of catalytic cracking

    The products should just be some number of alkanes/alkenes/H2 which balance the equation. The question will sometimes give you one of the products.
  14. E

    Question about choosing related texts

    If you're linking by conceptual similarities, you should use your related texts to showcase different perspectives on a concept of discovery, or politics/landscapes/rhetoric/whatever you're studying. This allows your essay to unfold logically, demonstrating your understanding of the complexities...
  15. E

    Tips For Memorising For English Essay's

    Never memorised essays verbatim, but used mnemonics to remember points. I used these as markers to guide my discussion so I knew I wouldn't miss any major points of analysis in my essay.
  16. E

    What do I need to get a 94+ Atar? I dont know what to aim for...

    Both Matrix and Talent put this at about 94.3 Though they were both a bit under for my ATAR
  17. E

    What do I need to get a 94+ Atar? I dont know what to aim for...

    And for HSC, according to calculators, you'll need about these marks for 94 ATAR English Advanced 87 Maths x1 79 Maths x2 67 Chemistry 86 Physics 87 Music 2 90
  18. E

    Best way to structure responses?

    The best guide to structuring your responses is the number of marks allocated to the question. So if you get an "identify policies..." type question for 3 marks, you need supply 3 policies, regardless of if you use dot points or not, or if you have more or less than 2 sentences. For Outline...
  19. E

    Whether or not to continue Accelerated Maths?

    Acceleration really allows you to focus on one subject and puts less pressure on it later. And the others are right - you can always repeat the course if I don't do as well as you had hoped. It's sort of like a free shot at the HSC and you would be more confident come 2017, having already gone...
  20. E

    Raw marks database?

    The website is very nice!!