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  1. dr cookie

    Year 11 - Discussion - History vs Science vs Social Science

    oh my gosh my school runs geog and business at the same time, so i can't do both!!! History: Ancient Social: Economics Science/social: Geography (physical geo is a bit sciencey)
  2. dr cookie

    worst/best english novel you have ever read in school?

    wow we did the turn of the screw this year and i was soooo bored through it... but i do have the attention span of a flea.... oh wow a bird. destroying avalon wasn't that bad, either was romeo and juliet (although a play)
  3. dr cookie

    in a bad state :(

    hey hey don't worry about it!! task 1 of 2012 of course you'd need some warming up! just stay positive and know that we all have some bad days and that day might just have been one. just be thankful it wasn't your HSC!!! :D
  4. dr cookie

    thanks for the add.. but do i know you??

    thanks for the add.. but do i know you??
  5. dr cookie

    Assessment thread.

    Advanced 1: 22/30 essay Advanced 2: 26/30 essay Extension: 21/25 for a speech/essay Maths 2U: Had about a zillion topic tests :| Eco: Nothing ^_^ Geo: Nothing ^_^ Ancient: Nothing ^_^ SOR: Nothing ^_^
  6. dr cookie

    What is everyone up to?

    Advanced - half way through AoS (I think) Extension - Finished The Turn of the Screw and now viewing the cinematic representation; "The Innocents" Maths 2U - Geometry (we've done algebra, indices and surds and equations) Economics - Chapter 3 in "The Market Economy" - how economies differ...
  7. dr cookie

    What is the best textbook/ Study guide for Preliminary Mathmatics ( 2 unit)

    I absolutely hate Maths in Focus... really bad examples that explain next to nothing... MATHS QUEST, PLEASE WRITE A 2UNIT BOOK!!!!!!!
  8. dr cookie

    economics rage

    Howdy ladies and gents,Is anyone else finding The Market Economy by Dixon extremely difficult to understand? I'm finding it hard to comprehend because I think it isn't written the way it should be for high school students.Also the workbook questions (for example in chapter 2) are questions on...
  9. dr cookie

    Who's ready for Year 11?!

    yeah i'm devoed that i didn't get the subjects i wanted... stupid timetable. so I think id rather be sitting in aus history or even SCIENCE (shudders) than ancient history.. may the force and the pythagoras be with all of you fellow BoSers, who too, will fail at least one subject in 2012...