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  1. Emma Watson

    Can HSC markers 'google?'

    no they don't. They are payed to according the the amount of papers they mark so they would have to be in a hurry to mark a lot of papers to get the $$$
  2. Emma Watson

    What's everyone doing POST HSC?

    i'm going to be rehearsing over and over for my film which is due in 2016! I'm sure you all have heard about it!!! J.K Rowling has info if you were absent of the event :D
  3. Emma Watson

    Biology HSC - Question ??

    If you want to maximise your marks i highly do not recommend dot points. Just look at those James Ruse kids they are all using structured sentence to answer the question at 100% capacity. They are like gods descendants.
  4. Emma Watson

    can anyone tell me how they transport the hsc papers after where done with them?

    omg u look so pretty in your dp what make up do you use?
  5. Emma Watson

    lel i feel like it's holiday mode after english.

    hey honey u have competition so pls foc off my tammoth his already tamed by me child.