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    Bachelor of Commerce Question

    Doesn't matter. GO anywhere. A commerce degree is useless either away. Every man and his dog is doing it.... Unless you're using bcom to get into 'bigger' and 'better' degrees.

    ISIS - Are we doing enough?

    Excellent. Totally on point. Couldn't have said it better my friend.

    The Cricket Thread

    Australia's currently 2nd on the rankings with South Africa 1st and Pakistan 3rd. Won't be surprised to see them fall below Pakistan after these dismal performances. In fact, i reckon Pakistan would do them in comfortably. Australia was regarded as a 'great' team because it could go overseas...

    To all Med Hopefuls

    I wonder if Dentistry is similar?

    Should I give up?

    You're shooting yourself on your own foot my friend.

    Arab/Israeli Conflict

    Haha. The HSC teaching the Arab/Israel conflict. You want to learn some genius facts about the "ISRAELI INVASION OF PALESTINE AND OTHER ARAB LANDS" (not the Arab/Israel conflict). Youtube GEORGE GALLOWAY Israel Palestine. Few interesting videos, and certainly fun to watch and listen to as he...

    Should I give up?

    Practical advice: Just do whatever you can in the HSC. Keep studying etc and complete the assessments to the best of your ability, but don't just give up and shoot yourself in the foot. I understand your situation. Was in a similar situation in the HSC (couple of years back). After the HSC...

    Fight of the century!

    And what do you know about boxing? Referencing a random unrecognised boxing news site. There's only 2 types of people going for Manny who think he won. 1)First time viewers/casual viewers who saw manny as the good guy and floyd the bad and 2) Asians (which i suspect/know you certainly are).

    Fight of the century!

    Once again, believe it or not, this 'hugging' is a technique in boxing. It is used in every match by every boxer in each round. Goes to show this is clearly the first time a lot of people are watching a boxing match. The purpose of the 'hugging' is to clinch the other player so as he cannot...
  10. INADIKAP95

    Fight of the century!

    I agree with the fact that there are other factors to be considered the greatest. That's why i have Ali as the all time best. Floyd was dominating Ortiz in the fight. Ortiz had no chance of winning. Ortiz made a crucial boxing mistake of letting his guard down during a fight. No.1 rule in...
  11. INADIKAP95

    Fight of the century!

    You had a good post until this foolish statement. Floyd has a case for being the best boxer there ever was. Fine, it is arguable (personally i think Ali take it followed by Sugar Ray and Rocky Marciano) but Floyd is definitely up there and might even be the best of the best. Floyd is a smart...
  12. INADIKAP95

    Fight of the century!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This is frekn hilarious. Its really funny watching people who have no idea what boxing is and who have rarely, if not never, followed boxing to be making sweeping statements that are totally wrong and suddenly think they are experts. As someone who is a boxer for club, and has...
  13. INADIKAP95

    Scott McIntyre's criticism of Anzacs

    Sacked for stating his view...... Free Speech?????????????
  14. INADIKAP95

    Scott McIntyre's criticism of Anzacs

  15. INADIKAP95

    Chapel Hill Shooting

    "‪#‎SydneySiege‬: Muslim man holds people hostage. Immediate coverage from morning to night, days on end, on every channel. Obama for some reason gets a briefing on the matter on the other side of the globe. Vigils are held for the 2 dead. Condemnations everywhere. The world mourns...
  16. INADIKAP95

    Chapel Hill Shooting

    3 Muslims murdered/shot Justice needs to be served. Western media at it again by not giving attention to this event. In fact, not even part of Smh's headlines. This event has many similarities to the charlie hebdo attack. You are attacked for being a Muslim. Freedom of Speech? Freedom of...
  17. INADIKAP95

    Are EAS points definitely applied to ATAR?

    To all who are a bit confused about my situation. I did my HSC in 2013. Back then, i received the letter a few days after the release of results in DEC (Got mid 90s atar). So yeah, my mistake, you guys should have already found out. I wasn't granted it, which really pissed me off. I appealed...
  18. INADIKAP95

    Are EAS points definitely applied to ATAR?

    Not to scare you or anything. I was in the same position. I assumed my EAS would be granted. When i did my HSC i missed approx 50 days of school due to illnesses, and had to resit a few exams here and there. Doctor approved my EAS form and listed me as severely affected and so did a...
  19. INADIKAP95

    Asian Cup, why are all races in it??

    Has to be one of the dumbest threads. Idiot, Oman is an Arabic country not a 'Black' one. There are of course Arab African communities in it, just like a few of the other Gulf Arab countries. You speak as if white people are ethnic to Australia, which as you know is total bullshit. Ethnic...