I was wondering how do I assess water quality tests for eutrophication?.....like colourimetry, the Kjeldahl method and chromatography etc
Also, can any of you guys describe to me how each of these methods work please?
Thanks for the suggestion and repped....I was wondering whether Oodgeroo Noonuccals poems are good for this module
If yes....please suggests me some poems which would relate to this module effectively
Umm...well i dun really do physics so i cant really say but i assume the m is mass and you just multiplied the mass with gravity to get the weight...so wouldnt your mass be 50kg?
I guess ur trying to say that do the bonus points stack on.......from what i heard from a bunch of people and including my careers advisor.....Yep they do add together
How do you integrate from 0 to Pi 1/(5-4cosx) dx
It may seem like a silly question
EDIT: problem is that when I use T method...subbing pi into tan(x/2)=tan(pi/2) which is undefined