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  1. astroman

    UTS Chatter Thread

    Is it wise to do more than the listed amount of subjects in the handbook? With my timetable setup for 2017, I only have uni on two days for 3 subjects, I really think I can do more subjects? Thoughts?
  2. astroman

    Thoughts on Subjects

    Do what INTERESTS you the most and know you can perform well in. Don't choose subjects based on whether or not they will scale high or 'match-up' with other subjects. All that matters in the HSC is to get the highest marks possible, that's it. By the look of your subjects, I can already tell...
  3. astroman

    Exam thoughts

    Anyone have a copy of the paper?
  4. astroman

    Urgent! Need advice asap plz

    Well first off, shut off you computer for a start and actually open your notes and study. Phone, laptop and TV off. Open your notes, start revising formulas and do some questions. It's not rocket science, have some self discipline.
  5. astroman

    Computer Science

    Have to wait to see what subjects you have to do before we can judge.
  6. astroman

    Frameless glasses - yay or nay?

  7. astroman

    2/3unit common?

    because 3u is just an extension of 2u.
  8. astroman

    Halal Snack Pack Appreciation Thread

    Istanbul in Parra.
  9. astroman

    Unethical idea I have, is this allowed?

    Yea, not saying it would be beneficial to do it for every subject, but for a single subject that is really tough, could be useful and get you a HD.
  10. astroman

    Unethical idea I have, is this allowed?

    I'm not sure, but it surely can't be possible that huge changes will be made right. I know but you don't get first hand experience, you can talk to tutors/lecturers get the full info ya know.
  11. astroman

    Which subject scales better

    Drop whatever you perform worst in, both scale pretty bad if you perform well but if you can manage good marks, i.e. 90+ it will scale good regardless.
  12. astroman

    Unethical idea I have, is this allowed?

    Can't we just enrol in subjects, get info of all assessments, pull out of them before the census date, and then redo the subject later on in another semester with a huge advantage? Is this allowed?
  13. astroman

    UTS Chatter Thread

    Wait, what about if you redo the failed subject, then what shows up?
  14. astroman

    UTS Chatter Thread

    Well shit, don't want to sound stupid but what is the purpose of a transcript? Is it for employers to check?
  15. astroman

    UTS Chatter Thread

    anyone know if withdrawing from subjects shows up as fail on your transcript?
  16. astroman

    UTS Chatter Thread

    So anyone know if you can do core subjects later on instead of first year? I've bludged a lot of programming fundamentals and probs wont pass lol, thing is though its only a prerequisite for one other core IT subject and nothing else, can't I just complete my other subjects as listed in the...
  17. astroman

    Am I missing out on life?Things to do before leaving highschool

    Nah mate you'll be fucked with 5 years of uni straight after, then 50 years of work till you die.
  18. astroman

    The Woolworths Thread

    how do u get employee discount card?
  19. astroman

    The Official UTS Subject Reviews Thread (Table of Contents on First Post)

    Now, all lab tests you do on PLATE are the same for all semesters and have been set up by Raymond. Passing the pass/fail mastery tests on PLATE guarantees you a pass of 50%, you can then get additional marks by doing the optional lab tests/assignment/final exam. Mind you, the assignment info is...
  20. astroman

    The Woolworths Thread

    So anyone know when and how to get my employee discount card? Some people say you get it after probation whilst others got it first day on the job. I've passed my 3 month probation just recently. Also what the hell is capping? When they say check the capping when stocking. lmao