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Search results

  1. D

    School and ATAR

    Do what you feel is right.
  2. D

    haha :) what school are you from?

    haha :) what school are you from?
  3. D

    LOL! jst noticed your doing the same subjects as me( except i have to do Sor1) hi 5 man :L

    LOL! jst noticed your doing the same subjects as me( except i have to do Sor1) hi 5 man :L
  4. D

    How much hours are you studying a day?

    Umm guys how does scaling effect your atar? I know i should go to a scaling topic but all you guys went off when mnna saif abo studies was bad?
  5. D

    Thanks for the tips :) what uni course are you doing?

    Thanks for the tips :) what uni course are you doing?
  6. D

    hey man! saw that you were from patties, so i added you :) im in yr 11 now, any tips?

    hey man! saw that you were from patties, so i added you :) im in yr 11 now, any tips?
  7. D

    Biology or Economics?

  8. D

    Has anyone had a Science teacher who is normal??

    What was the science teachers name?
  9. D

    First impressions of yr 11

    Yep for chemistry :L and a maths test on the first day :O
  10. D

    Who's ready for Year 11?!

    I'm thinking of doing the same thing. ;)