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  1. J

    Post your CSSA MARKS HERE!

    You sir, are a fricken' post-modernistic genius! Wow! My teacher said that it's almost impossible to get full marks in an english essay.
  2. J

    Post your CSSA MARKS HERE!

    You're kidding me, right? English(only Paper 1 is being included), I'm expecting around 78%, and 3 u maths, around 50-55%. I mean, I haven't done that bad in all my other assessments. So maybe there's a slim chance???
  3. J

    Post your CSSA MARKS HERE!

    Physics: 65% 2 u maths. 6 marks were taken out, so it was out of 114. 71/114. The highest was 111, then about 86, then 81, about 3 in the 70's, and 2 in 60's. These marks were by people in the 3 u class.(we do 2 and 3 unit together in one class) The highest mark in the 2 u class was 55....yep...
  4. J

    CSSA Business Studies Marks

    We haven't done Global yet, but our teacher didn't take the global questions out, which was extremely infair IMO. Anyway, I got 60%. 14+26+14+6. Shit mark, I know. I don't know the syllabus well enough. Highest in my year was 82.
  5. J

    Scared about getting trial marks back?

    I'm scared about 3u maths. I missed most of the last question. I REALLY wanna get englsih paper 1 back though. I'm quietly confident.
  6. J

    What do you do with your Reading Time?

    Lol. I got no idea tbh. I hardly post on here anyway. Maybe when the site got hacked? Anyway, its funny how most papers recommend 35 mins for multiple choice. Most papers, I only need 10-15 mins. I usually remember which answers I pick for multiple choice, so I don't need to scratch it on. In...
  7. J

    What do you do with your Reading Time?

    For Business/Geo/Physics, I do the multiple choice. I can do about 1/2 of them during reading time. English, I have been just skimming over each essay question. I think in the future, I'll just stick to one, and plan out the essay in my head for just that one essay. Maths. I don't even...
  8. J

    CSSA Business Studies

    To the op, don't listen to the idiot below you. I only remember the last extended reesponse question. It's not really cheating IMO haha. Anyway it was something like, 'describe how a business can act in an ethical manner to its stakeholders, and evaluate the effectiveness of employment relations...
  9. J

    CSSA Physics

    I had no idea about the 2nd laser question. What did you all write for the Einstein light as a constant speed question? Was surprised there was nothing on AC motors.
  10. J

    CSSA advanced mathematics- dude wtf?!

    Same as ours. I stuffed up the question where you had to show that the area of the window was given by that equation. Arrgh. So many stuff ups
  11. J

    CSSA Business

    See, we haven't done global yet. I backed up my point of view, saying that dealings should only be conducted with busines that are globalised, and use modern payment systems such as paypal...that way, the protection is mutual for both parties. I hope i get the marks.
  12. J

    CSSA Business

    Same. From 7-11. Our school hasn't done global business, and there were a few global questions in multiple choice. Annoying, cause i don't think they'll take out those marks. They'll probably say 'everyones in the same boat blah blah'
  13. J

    CSSA Business

    Lol. I said something about pricing strategies. Argghhhh! Lol. And for what payment method Max should use, I said PayPal. :p its secure and they offer $20000 of buyer protection. :p.
  14. J

    CSSA Business

    Wtf were the Cssa writers thinking when they wrote The last 2 questions. I did question 27, and I only wrote a page. I don't see how ethical and legal aspects of marketing are related to change?? Lol. Multiple choice and short answer were good though. I forgot what market segmentation was lol
  15. J

    English trials?

    I did Module C first, and I think I did ok in that. My conclusion was rushed though; it was basically a repetiton of the thing we were supposed to talk a bout(how his and mem is formed through selection and purpose" or something like that). Wrote 3.5 pgs(normal A4 ruled). Next I did Pride and...
  16. J

    Post your sc results here

    hey guys. got my results yesterday. I'm pretty pleased specially with english, but was expecting slightly more in science. No where near as good as some people who got all band 6's! english-84 maths-88 science-89 Geography-92 history-85 computing skills-96
  17. J

    Anybody NOT going to schoolies at all?

    i agree with your views. I want to enjoy my night, not end up in hospital with glass all over my face, and not being able to remember what i did that night.
  18. J

    The public behaviour of youths of 'middle-eastern appearance'

    dude..seriously...can you stop swearing. You're only making things worse.
  19. J

    The public behaviour of youths of 'middle-eastern appearance'

    It's not just 'middle-eastern people' that are troubled. You have youth from all races that are troubled. They form their own little packs dressing in certain ways, and expecting young people of the same background to conform their expectations. to be accepted.
  20. J

    General Thoughts: Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    I wrote about about the freedom rides, but i would of said, that the constitution has not changed since the event. So if the opposition blocks supply, then the Governor General still has the power to dismiss the government. It changed the view of most Australians that the GG had to always...