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  1. Y

    Late Round Offers & Alternative Pathways

    Re: FAQ: Late Round Offers Ok, here's the thing, I didn't know how the 'rounds" work up until today, but it's too late to change preferences for this round so if i make changes for the last round is there still a chance? Is it exactly the same as the late round? please help
  2. Y

    if you receive a gpa of <5.0 ?

    if you receive a gpa of <5.0 what are the chances that you'll be successfully transfered into another course within the uws (internal transfer)?
  3. Y

    Does transfering to another course after one year guarantee you a spot in that course

    say you do really well in the course you're in now and you want to tranfer to another course, do all courses guarantee you a spot, even though they maybe competitive courses to get into?
  4. Y

    Do you work and study?

    do you recommend working and studying at the same time? How are you finding it? Does it get in the way of your academic performance?
  5. Y

    The best thing about university?

    what do you think about it/about your experience?
  6. Y

    Anyone else forgotten everything they learned in the HSC before uni?

    yesssssssssssssssss fergotten every single thing....it's pretty magical
  7. Y

    UWS Roll Call 2012

    bachelor of social science major in criminology
  8. Y

    Texstyle for HSC 2011

    oh ok lol THANK YOU Nerdygirl, i'm happy for you with all my heart and everyone else. Looks like there's a lot to prepare for heheh goodluck and keep in touch. I'll let you know if i get mail hehe :)))))
  9. Y

    Texstyle for HSC 2011

    btw congratz to both of you..when did you find out?
  10. Y

    Texstyle for HSC 2011

    i don't know...how do you find out?
  11. Y

    anyone selected for TEXSTYLES exhibition yet?

    so is there ny news or notification of your textiles work being selected?
  12. Y

    Thank you Bored of studies

    thnx for the support yuall, love ya, and ill definately stay in touch with bod. :) have a good one
  13. Y

    Thank you Bored of studies

    Thanks guys, during the stressful period of exams, it was nice to have a support network to come home to after exams and discuss how the exam went and trying to work out what i got right and wrong. its been an stressful yet amazing journey, it is trully a place where we hsc students can have a...
  14. Y

    Yep so my motivation for hsc was the kpop concert!.......

    omg i know right, i wana go kpop fest except i wont be allowed and don't have the money......it would have been awesome...even more hype if BigBang was going...if you like to discuss and brag about kpop and dramas like me, you can join a website called me2day...it helps me know whats going on...
  15. Y

    Anyone at their schools have any cheaters caught?

    so many phones rang in our exam, but it wasnt really taken serioulsy, it was all laughes the next day. There was someone who taxed a writing booklet from one of the exams, took it home, wrote their essay on it, took it back in to the exam, and added it to the rest of their writing booklets of...
  16. Y

    potty training yourself before a 3 hour exam?

    do u have toilet issues during the exam? like holding it in and stuffff and needing to go frequently. or maybe im drinking too much water to drown my sorrows lol
  17. Y

    Is it just me... HSC overrated?

    i remember the school trying to freak us out about the year 10 school certificate.. like wth maaaaaaan lol
  18. Y

    Chemistry is tomorrow!!!

    me2 claculations killllll meeeeeeeeeeeeee
  19. Y

    Hey, where are all you fashionistas at, studying i guess

    thnx....and true that:)
  20. Y

    Hey, where are all you fashionistas at, studying i guess

    thnx for the tips, hope you get texstyle seems like you deserve it