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  1. fl0

    haha yep lol really? teachers bad or what?

    haha yep lol really? teachers bad or what?
  2. fl0

    Hmm okay well it makes sense...chem requires so much time I reckon. I attend a public all-girls...

    Hmm okay well it makes sense...chem requires so much time I reckon. I attend a public all-girls school.... nearby where you use to go to Ryde Secondary lol.
  3. fl0

    Hi there! I wasn't really looking but I don't mind. I'll send you my email.

    Hi there! I wasn't really looking but I don't mind. I'll send you my email.
  4. fl0

    Stress Relievers

    Drawing Socialising Reading a good book
  5. fl0

    Do you know whether physics scales better than chem? I feel like the scale tables don't make...

    Do you know whether physics scales better than chem? I feel like the scale tables don't make sense.. or i just don't know how to read them lol. Wow that's a lot of music! So do you do piano? I did accelerated music in year 10... and unfortunately received a crap teacher so dropped that and...
  6. fl0

    Hmmmm yes true, or maybe I'm just lazy and I get bored and cbf doing the questions...... (: At...

    Hmmmm yes true, or maybe I'm just lazy and I get bored and cbf doing the questions...... (: At least your teacher DOES teach from the syllabus, mine goes off topic.. makes us look at youtube vids of random fat geeks teaching physics....not to mention it's not even clear what they are doing in...
  7. fl0

    What have you eaten today?

    Re: What did you eat today thread? whoa isn't that like a whole tub of ice cream?... D: sad to hear you ruind your hard work.. but that happens to me.. i just go from healthy to unhealthy.. healthy to unhealthy :(
  8. fl0

    Haha yeah definitely! I think I like the learning part in class for maths.. then when I have to...

    Haha yeah definitely! I think I like the learning part in class for maths.. then when I have to do countless questions, it becomes dry haha. do you have a bad physics teacher or something? I think the syllabus is pretty bad for physics. They should probably change it so we know what physics in...
  9. fl0

    motors and generators question

    Well transformers made electricity a very attractive way to get energy to power society, and so a high demand of electricity on a large scale, meant fossil fuels such as coal to power the generators lead to atmospheric pollution as sulfur and nitrogen oxides, which combine with rain to form acid...
  10. fl0

    Yeah I guess, but even with liking the subject, too much of it gets a little dry? I mean, I like...

    Yeah I guess, but even with liking the subject, too much of it gets a little dry? I mean, I like maths but i get sick of it after a while lol. I'm actually liking physics, I think chemistry is the one I regret doing. It's just way too much content... i tried studying for it for the half-yearly...
  11. fl0

    i aim high, like i am actually trying to get DUX at the moment but I don't go to a selective or...

    i aim high, like i am actually trying to get DUX at the moment but I don't go to a selective or anything. However my expectations are slipping these days. I think it's the loss of motivation / determination. I don't know how to make myself do things anymore.. it seems like in junior school I...
  12. fl0

    Heyyy girl, how are you (:

    Heyyy girl, how are you (:
  13. fl0

    wowz high expectations.. good on you XD

    wowz high expectations.. good on you XD
  14. fl0

    Acidic and Basic Salts

    I use this table to figure it out (from Chemistry Contexts 2) so for NaHSO4, break the salt into its ions, so we have the ion Na+ and HSO4-. Looking at the table, Na+ is neutral (this just means it doesn't react with water further and so doesn't want to become a base again), and HSO4- is...
  15. fl0

    I go to Riverside Girls High, doing Adv English, MX2, German Continuers, Physics, Chem. What...

    I go to Riverside Girls High, doing Adv English, MX2, German Continuers, Physics, Chem. What school do you go to? W We can talk through email if you want. You can talk to me through florence.x.yuan@gmail.com What's your name btw? My name is in my email, but you can just call me Flo.
  16. fl0

    Hey I do similar subs to you. I wouldn't mind having a study buddy if you still need one (:

    Hey I do similar subs to you. I wouldn't mind having a study buddy if you still need one (:
  17. fl0

    I love the HSC too.

    I love the HSC too.
  18. fl0

    Help with multiple choice Q

    It's these type of questions that just freak me out, making me think I'll get a Band 2 ..
  19. fl0

    Help with multiple choice Q

    I feel like a fat dumbass cos I can't do the first question of a SPECIMEN HSC Q. To slightly ease my misery, could someone please explain to me why the answer is A?
  20. fl0

    Where are you guys upto at school?

    Started Motors and Generators D: