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Search results

  1. B

    Can Men and Women Be Platonic Friends?

    Guys can still look at girls in a non-sexual manner. Not all female friends I have, I'd like to bang.
  2. B

    Forbidden love

    I've experienced this before. I told her my feelings, gave her all the signs. It's up to you.
  3. B

    saying i love you on the first date

    ..But of course like previously stated, you could feel a direct connection with someone on first meeting, or on the first date, or further like a month or so.
  4. B

    saying i love you on the first date

    'Love' takes a while to grow on a person. The person is not sober.
  5. B

    Describe your ex relationship in one word

    Ex: Charming Ex ex: possessive Ex ex ex: Constraining
  6. B

    Friends with benefits

    The people who engage in 'friends with benefits' sex are excessively emotionally detached from their fuckbuddies. Yes, they ARE using one another, Tangent. There is NO meaning.
  7. B

    Friends with benefits

    I've had my own experiences of casual sex. It's not that I cant get some, I just prefer something better- 'formal' sex, if you like.
  8. B

    Friends with benefits

    Hmm sex...anyway... curious. williamc, ever been in love with a girl? just curious bro, cos u seem to only like fucking, not loving (?)
  9. B

    Notches on their bedpost

    Meh. Virgin or not virgin, how many ppl they fucked beforehand (would prefer if they didnt fuk too many..) Deep, wholesome, not 'we-fuck-holes' or 'we-rub-genitals-til-we-cumm-silly' Sex is earth shattering, groundbreaking.
  10. B


    feeling....nice....feeling :rudolf:
  11. B

    The World of Pick-Up Line

    FUCK pickup lines. They piss the shit outta me.
  12. B

    Who else thinks girls are crap?

    Taco, you are hilarious. There ARE decent chicks out there man. Chicks with substance. You just gotta keep looking, Or who knows. One may find you soon, And blow your mind, not just your balls. Good luck mate. :sun:
  13. B

    Friends with benefits

    Don't like casual sex. Maybe once or twice but not a frequent hobby. Prefer romantic, committed lovemaking...not just fucking someone- two bodies slapping against each other, no emotion but lust involved... Fun, yes. Gotta admit. But not preferable.
  14. B

    Do women want it just as much?

    Cmon, Women desire it as much as man. It's all motherfucking social conditioning, as previously mentioned.
  15. B

    1st orgasm.

    YES. Euphoric sensations building up, leading to a climax of laughter.
  16. B

    1st orgasm.

    Yes. :)
  17. B

    1st orgasm.

    mhmm flexing vaginal muscles..:tongue: Car's AWESOME! :headbang:
  18. B

    1st orgasm.

    Nice story.
  19. B

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    I do agree with your independence and unification point. I can def. relate to my significant 'other', and I was not referring to what you think I was when I mentioned 'extraordinary'. I simply meant that I'm not into what society thinks is the norm for relationships. We have a very strong...