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  1. shadowdragon555

    Doing a TV series as a related text (Julius Caesar)

    I used a TV show for the Belonging module, I specified to one episode as I thought having something more concise would allow for better interpretations, plus it shows the marker that you're precise rather than vague. Plus, feel free to change it just make sure it is a text you know decently...
  2. shadowdragon555

    Elective choices?

    Yeah, luckily we are one of the schools :D I'm fairly sure i'm the only person who picked to not do communication, and am instead doing The Human Story, which in my opinion has been the most interesting topic. Same thing in Physics, our class also got to pick which elective we wanted to do, and...
  3. shadowdragon555

    Elective choices?

    Oh and I believe Genetics would probably revise the inheritance section of the course, and the human story would probably revise evolution, so I think they would probably be the better ones?
  4. shadowdragon555

    Elective choices?

    Hey, i'm just about to start my elective but I'm not 100% sure on what to pick, like I hear communication is the easiest, but it sounds fairly boring, so I'm leaning towards Genetics (because I find that fairly interesting) and The Human Story (which I also find interesting) But, I'm not sure...
  5. shadowdragon555

    Most annoying book of all time

    Wuthering heights. I loved the imagery and the sophistication of the text, but in terms of story I found it really quite annoying. I couldn't like any of the characters they were always doing something stupid -_-
  6. shadowdragon555

    a book that made you cry

    So I think two books have done so for me so far. The first one was a book called "The Stolen" by Alex Shearer and I think this one was for actually insightful reasons as it carried a beautiful lesson to it, the second was "The Death Cure", ending to the series Maze Runner not sure how it managed...
  7. shadowdragon555

    What are you currently Reading?

    Currently reading Mansfield Park by Jane Austen (to help get my mind into the romantic times for my eng ext 1/2) so far its not too bad a lot better then Wuthering Heights I might add XD
  8. shadowdragon555

    roll call ee2 2014

    Hey dere, i'm Jake and yup you guessed it: I like tacos :D Oh and I guess im doing ee2 as well :D I've done my viva voce, and have written approximately 1500 words to my short story :)
  9. shadowdragon555

    Roll Call: Class of 2014

    Hey dere :D A little late for this considering half yearly's are like in a couple of weeks but what the hell i'm doing it anyway :D Okay, so my subjects are: Maths Ext 1 Maths Ext 2 Adv Eng Ext 1 Eng Ext 2 Eng Geography Biology Physics ---------- Already completed: Mathematics (2U): Mark...
  10. shadowdragon555

    Estimate for my atar?

    Yep small would be an understatement XD We have like 15 people in our year who actually show up at least 1/10 days haha Nah, we're on the edge of the QLD border here not the SA one haha but yeah small country town, population of 500
  11. shadowdragon555

    Estimate for my atar?

    As the title states, i'm looking for an estimate. The latest school ranking I could find for mine was in 2011 which was 155. My subject rankings are as stated: Mathematics: 1/1 (already completed got an 87 for hsc mark) Extension 1 Mathematics: 1/1 Extension 2 Mathematics 1/1 Advanced...