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  1. C

    can assessment marks scale you up?

    Scaling happens after your internal and externals are averaged and your final marks for individual subjects are determined. So no
  2. C

    im in a weird situation.

    For english advanced you gotta do a set of poems, a novel, film, shakespeare and nonfiction Your teachers probably wont let you do a different text for internal assessments but if you want to learn Julius Caesar by yourself in your spare time then by all means do it for the HSC Julius Caesar is...
  3. C

    AAA scholarship

    Wow what course is this? And the Academic Advantage Award and AAA are the same thing
  4. C


    Beggars cant be choosers. So if by some ungodly miracle you get into UWS, you're going to turn it down because you dont want to go? Kbrah UWS wouldnt want you anyway with your complete lack of logic and dedication so its probably time to change career paths.
  5. C

    USyd Internal Transfer

    Woops. I meant you complete a form from both the science and engineering faculties. My cousin did this a couple of years ago, so I'm not sure if its changed. The science faculty rejected his request but they let him switch engineering Goodluck
  6. C

    USyd Internal Transfer

    You complete a form from the science faculty for an internal faculty transfer
  7. C

    Letter of Consideration = Higher ATAR?

    +1 Yeah in the EAS pdf doc I linked you, it does say you need a school head to sign off on your situation and explain how it has affected your HSC. Im sure they wont judge you and they will probably go out of their way to help you
  8. C

    Alternatives - Assuming you don't get the ATAR you need.

    Why is it one or the other. Why cant you do well at school AND uni. Old habits die hard. At uni you'll also probably tell yourself you only need a pass to get a degree. Because lets face it, doing well at uni 'isnt a win all or end all' either.
  9. C

    Letter of Consideration = Higher ATAR?

    Sorry about to hear your situation and I hope your mum gets better soon. There are a few alternative pathways you could try out. You could probably look into applying at the Distance Education High School. They might still accept applications and that way you could study at home and still look...
  10. C

    Alternatives - Assuming you don't get the ATAR you need.

    Try harder. Theres only 6 months left. If you cant make it into UNSW/USYD you should also probably look at MACQ whose cutoff is around 94/95 i believe. B.Psych guarantees you an honours Any other degree (e.g. b.arts/b.sci) with a Psych major does not guarantee the honours year so you have to...
  11. C

    Uni courses- Help!

    Whats wrong with B education? Here's a few career options UNSW lists that are possible with a finance major: Investment banking, merchant banking and corporate finance Investment management Stock broking (equity securities analysts) Credit analyst (equities and debt) Retail and Wholesale...
  12. C

    Univerity Bonus Points

    Dont be lazy and just check it out. You shouldnt rely on anybody exceot yourself, especially when it concerns your future. Nobody is going to baby you forever.
  13. C

    what happens if you don't sit for your hsc external exams?

    Because you do 12 units if you miss anything besides English no big deal. You wont get a mark for that course but your other 10 units will count. If you miss more than 2units or English however you're ineligible for the HSC and will have to complete pathways. I.e. you only do the course you...
  14. C

    Transferring into courses with higher cut-off than my own ATAR

    Nah I meant within the 5 years or whatever. I know someone who went from UWS Arts --> UNSW Arts ---> UNSW Arts/Law but graduated in 7 yrs Engineering Actuarial Finance Medicine Law No offence but you sound like your just looking for the easiest path to money. Didnt you say you had no...
  15. C

    Transferring into courses with higher cut-off than my own ATAR

    1. Comm/Law USYD 2. Comm/Law UNSW 6. Actuarial Studies UNSW (a course that might be released in 2013) ^ These are not possible if you want to graduate on time.
  16. C

    EXTRA ATAR Points

    Nobody automatically receives bonus points for anything. ALL special considerations go through individual universities whether it be EAS, subject bonus points, elite performers etc.
  17. C

    6 Months Left

    After 12 years of high school you were looking forward to more study? Are the holidays really that badd
  18. C

    So i want to get a good atar, but so far i fkd up. If i improve now can it change?

    Re: So i want to get a good atar, but so far i fkd up. If i improve now can it change You have no hope. Fake depression now so you can get 5 bonus points
  19. C

    Related Text question.

    Doing songs or anything mainstream is not ideal Children's film > songs Best related text would be a novel/novella/short story Try stuff by tim winton, a bit overused but better than what you have atm
  20. C

    Is band 6 in 2U maths still attainable?

    Yes it is possible. It is also possible that my mum might win the $4m lotto in 2 hrs but I'm not holding my breath. Possible =/= probable