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  1. T

    ATAR estimate - Thinking of Med

    My good friend master Yi once said to me: "it's not the strength of your broadsword but the size of your penis is what counts. Two swords are not better than one as it depends on the type of sword. A large two handed sword is better than two daggers. Hence get a big sword if you have a big penis...
  2. T

    ATAR estimate - Thinking of Med

    Eat a banana a day the manganese and radium found in the banana will enhance cognitive strength and muscular endurance.
  3. T

    ATAR estimate - Thinking of Med

    Mate do never doubt yourself and believe in your heart and you will find truth and what you are truly passionate about. Learn to love. Learn to forgive. Learn to forget. Amen
  4. T

    ATAR estimate - Thinking of Med

    Judging by that English and PDHPE I'd say around 64, 70 tops. 4 unit maths and PE seem like an odd combo. Bro should've chosen physics. Keep trying man you are doing great. On a serious note I will recommend you also consider UWS for medicine their MBBS is a 5 year course. To be considered a...
  5. T


    if you know your school you can accurate determine it using the topscores.info and find out whether you will get band 6
  6. T

    ATAR Estimation please!

    id say if you were very very very lucky it would be 90 tops. However around 85 is what you should be expecting. Maths and modern and standard are especially painful for your atar
  7. T

    Underperforming in exams

    yeah mate just chillax next time when its trial time. Study a bit less and relax yourself and maybe you will perform better.
  8. T

    Can I make it into Com/Law at UWS

    school rank would give a more accurate estimation. Do you go hurlstone? They do agriculture there
  9. T

    Sup baller!

    Sup baller!
  10. T

    How powerful is the conclusion of an essay?

    A conclusion is essential is a perfect essay however you can still do well without it. My teacher is a head marker of the english advanced paper with the modules and she said that 20/20 can still be awarded to an essay without a conclusion as long as the body is spot on.
  11. T

    Bachelor of Accounting (COOP!!) UTS Inforation Evening

    THanks for the reply! Can i ask what type of questions do they ask in the interviews?
  12. T

    Bachelor of Accounting (COOP!!) UTS Inforation Evening

    Hey i was wondering how competitive it is to get into the course and what the process is after you have been offered an interview?
  13. T

    Media Production: UNSW, Usyd, or UTS?

    UTS arts in media and communications is very good. Especially combined with law. They ahve specific degrees for the branches of communicatiosn and media. Look it up in the brochure. It would be better if you combined it with law as well, but you dont have to. Hope i helped :)
  14. T

    Trials vs hsc

    trails are not scaled. For example its just like doing a normal test like the mid years. When you get the paper back you will only get a scaled mark out of a 100%. However for the HSC when you do the paper the marking centre will keep the paper and you will only see the alligned mark on the...
  15. T

    Just wondering, what ranks at Ruse for 99+?

    MX1 - Top 130-140 MX2 - Top 90 Physics - Top 60 Chem - Top 100 English - Top 100-120 ish (not too sure about this) These ranks equate to band 6 for those respective subjects. And getting a band 6 for every subject usually means an atar of aroun 99 especially due their impressive scaling
  16. T

    I am psychologically messed up. Done 0 work from start of uni. WANT TO KILL MYSELF.

    Re: I am psychologically messed up. Done 0 work from start of uni. WANT TO KILL MYSEL Mate if uni is not working for you take like a gap year and go work and explore the world. PARTY with the BITCHES!!!!!!!!!! if not then try your hardest for your exams. GOOD LUCK!
  17. T

    Does anyone have worked solutions 3U for FITZPATRICK CAMBRIDGE ?

    Hey guys the title says it all. If someone could pm or email me (alannguyen_2200@hotmail.com) if they have the solutions for these textbooks? I am struggling heaps at 3U atm and i need guidance. In return i have a plethora of eco, physics, 3unit and 4unit resources i could give to you in exchange.
  18. T

    Textbook suggestions?

    trust me get terry lee's 3 unit book. It has worked solutions and his questions are quite challenging. Trust me if you can do his book profciently you can do an exam proficiently.
  19. T

    Are Engineers salaries this bad

    60K is extremely good graduate pay. The per capita income is around 35K. That salary would be sufficient for life man. Dont sweat it. And you will start to earn big bucks when you progress in your progression. No one is gonna fucken may a kid who has almost no experience in the field hundreds of...