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  1. unsw-maths-guru

    Importance of WAM?

    The WAM that appears on your transcript is just a straight weighted average of your marks. It is all done automatically which means that it sometimes gets it a bit wrong. (For example, if you do a full year subject like maths honours you enrol in one 24 UOC subject each session, but only one of...
  2. unsw-maths-guru

    Scaling/Moderating of marks.

    The proportions of each grade varies heaps from subject to subject, and from school to school. All the marks need to get approved by some faculty committee before they are made official which stops any lecturer going mad and failing everyone. I think that in the higher year subjects they compare...
  3. unsw-maths-guru

    How much scaling in MATH1151?

    That is really hard to say as you don't get back the mark for the final exam. When you do the past exams you usually find that some of them are much harder than others, but I guess that the scaling takes care of that. From people I know, you probably want to be averaging 90% on your preexam...
  4. unsw-maths-guru

    How much scaling in MATH1151?

    You shouldn't think of the final mark at the end of the session as being the total of all you scored on all the assessments. When they add all those up it puts all the students in order. Then they decide who deserves to pass and the bottom passing student gets 50 as a final mark. If they decide...
  5. unsw-maths-guru

    How hard is the final exam?

    try http://www.youtube.com/user/DrChrisTisdell
  6. unsw-maths-guru

    How hard is the final exam?

    For first year maths just do heaps of past papers. Your lecturers will probably give you some idea of what things are likely to appear on exams (especially in the last lecture). As timothy.s said, lots of the 1131 questions are pretty close to the [R] questions in the problems, so if you know...
  7. unsw-maths-guru

    Starting in Semester 2... Confused about the courses (subjects)?

    For Maths you'll do MATH1131 in semester 2. Unless you want to get your program pretty stuffed up, you'll do MATH1231 over the summer.
  8. unsw-maths-guru

    Online Lectures

    You could maybe ask the lecturer at your next lecture. It sounds like they have to do something to get it to be available.
  9. unsw-maths-guru

    Online Lectures

    I think that they automatically record all the lectures in the big lecture rooms like Mathews. If you log on to blackboard, you need to click on the link to TELT eLearning gateway at the bottom left which will let you find lectopia. (Can you follow the lecture with just the audio??)
  10. unsw-maths-guru

    Taking Math1151 after only doing 2u maths

    2U isn't really fine for 1131/1141. People have passed it with that background, but they assume that you have done 3U so you have to work really hard (and be OK at maths). For 1141 or 1151 they pretty much assume you have done 4U, so it isn't surprising the OP is finding it hard. 1151 has...
  11. unsw-maths-guru

    Taking Math1151 after only doing 2u maths

    You can't do 1141 with 2U, and in any case you would have the same problem. They can let people do 1131/1231 instead of 1151/1251 - check your course office. I think that people who start midyear need to do this anyway. You should also think about whether you are in the right degree...how...
  12. unsw-maths-guru

    MATHS 1A available next semester?

    I'd try the maths website, eg http://www.maths.unsw.edu.au/currentstudents/course-homepages The online handbook can be very frustrating.
  13. unsw-maths-guru

    I Hate University

    Just interested? Did you think that you were going to like it, but it turns out to be different to what you expected? Or did you feel that you had to go to university because of parents/friends/teachers/... Or did you choose a course you don't like?
  14. unsw-maths-guru

    Panic attack. Engineering first year is so hard.

    There isn't any great rush to drop down. You can do it until the census date (31 March??) if you see the maths office. You can always try going to some 1131 lectures to see if they seem any better.
  15. unsw-maths-guru

    Panic attack. Engineering first year is so hard.

    Chill everyone. The transition from school to uni can be a bit of a shock cos everything comes much faster. But its like that for everyone. For maths, just sit down with the problem book and try the tutorial problems. If you can't do anything after rereading your lecture notes you might be in...
  16. unsw-maths-guru


    What is important are the problems. The 1131/1141 notes are just there to give you some additional material in those parts where the syllabus overlaps. The exact full syllabus should be in the coursepack somewhere. In calc 1151 they do some multivariable stuff that isn't in 1131/1141, but I...
  17. unsw-maths-guru

    Changing my degree

    ...try Dr John Steele in Maths. BTW, you don't really have to do honours. They'll just give you the BSc bit if you stop without doing that final year.
  18. unsw-maths-guru

    Havent done 4 unit and am really struggling with math1131

    Don't panic just because you find the lectures confusing. After the lecture, read through the yellow notes (I assume they are still yellow!), and have a go at the first few problems. If you can do most of the [R] problems you'll be fine.
  19. unsw-maths-guru

    MATH1141/ PHYS1131 rollcall

    Ha!...no. (I think that CT does sometimes frequent bos but doesn't he use his own name?)