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  1. M

    Biology state ranker's mark

    No. Internal mark is the average of the two best students from the cohort. The guy I tied with got 94 external. There was a girl that came about 6th/7th who blitzed the exam and got the same mark as me. But you are correct in the sense that without that performance from another student, I...
  2. M

    Biology state ranker's mark

    Having said this, I was put in as Equal first in for Legal Studies and topped the state. So you never know.
  3. M

    English Tutor and Essay Editing Service - FIFTH IN STATE, ATAR 99.90

    Adam is undoubtedly one of the top English students to graduate in 2012. His marks don't do his ability justice. Highly recommend him to all before his spots fill up!
  4. M

    Legal Studies - CRIME hsc question

    PM'd ;)
  5. M

    Recreational activities during hsc

    In response to Bold: ABSOLUTELY NOT! Healthy body = Healthy mind. From personal experience, I went jogging 4 or 5 times a week and recited English Quotes, Economics Statistics, Legal Statutes and Mathematics Formulas. If you are worried about time, just combine study with exercise!
  6. M

    Tutoring for the HSC: Math Ext 1 | Math Ext 2 | Legal Studies | Economics

    Hey Guys, My name is Dave and I have completed the HSC in 2012 achieving an ATAR of 99.85 which I am incredibly happy with :) My marks are as follows: Legal: 98 (First in the State) Economics: 95 Maths Ext 1: 95 Maths Ext 2: 92 What differentiates myself from the usual tutors is an ability to...
  7. M

    First in Course List

    Today was so much fun. Met some really nice people, everyone was really humble and the food was delicious. Congrats to everyone on your achievements!
  8. M

    General Thoughts: Legal Studies

    What is the impact of state sovereignty on the protection of Human Rights (3 marks) With reference to ONE contemporary issue, explain how the promotion of human rights is influenced by the media (5 marks) Discuss how a Charter of Rights would affect the protection of Human Rights in Australia (7...
  9. M

    Multiple Choice

    Cesan v The Queen 2008 Momcilovic v The Queen 2011 Two High Court cases where a Drug Trafficking conviction was appealed
  10. M

    Section 1 - Stimulus

    Re: General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS) Can't believe nobody here has mentioned the inclusion of the term 'Mandingo' in Text Three. Had me in stitches throughout reading time.
  11. M

    Multiple Choice help

    Q9 - The numerical value represents their contribution to determining Australia's TWI So Japan --> Decreased America --> Increased Euro --> Decreased UK Pound --> Increased Therefore the answer is D)
  12. M

    CSSA trial 2012 question 14b

    Gradient of any line is Rise/Run --> The height/the width. Since the question specifies to consider this, your attention should immediately focus on that. In a triangle, a^2 + b^2 = c^2 where a and b are adjacent sides, and c is the hypotenuse. In this diagram. you have the the hypotenuse L...
  13. M

    Does your school rank hinder your ability to top the state in a subject?

    Clarify your question: School Rank or Student Rank within the School? I'll answer both in any case School Rank: Not at all if you are ranked first. State Ranks are judged by Internal Mark + External Mark / 2 Student Rank within the School: Yes your internal rank (assumed not first) will hinder...
  14. M

    CSSA trial 2012 question 14b

    X^2 + Y^2 = L^2 Y = rt(L^2 - X^2) Gradient of MB = Rise/Run = Y/-X = rt(L^2 - X^2)/-X = -rt(L^2-X^2)/X [Negative X because from the original point (x,y), the X value is decreasing]
  15. M

    Raw Marks for First in course

    Its been 99 for the last 4 years. And in terms of raw marks, Top of the state would probably only drop 2 or 3 marks max
  16. M


  17. M

    Violence erupts in Sydney over anti-Islam film

    Enough said. Edit: To clarify the context. Living Moment says he would behead anybody who mocked any religion. Then Ahmed proceeded to mock Judaism and Christianity. Watch out Ahmed, Living Moment is coming for you
  18. M

    ATAR estimate :)

    You're probably looking at 97.5+ but don't stop now. If you work hard and perform well in the externals, your ATAR MAY potentially jump up to 98.5+. Physics is probably your weakest subject
  19. M

    ATAR estimate :)

    There is a good chance you will Dux your school - maybe some information about previous dux's will give us a more accurate estimate