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Search results

  1. BandSixFix

    Is tutoring worth it?

    I'm personally anti-tutoring. Waste of money and time.
  2. BandSixFix

    how many words should I be aiming for 45 minutes???

    lol fuck off. If you know the question - 1000-1200 If you don't know the question - 1000-1200 OP
  3. BandSixFix

    Stronger HSC Standards

    wow cool, go ahead and memorise the unpredictability of life.
  4. BandSixFix

    The Asian Music Thread

  5. BandSixFix

    Animal farm as a related text???

    Great recommendation. This is a very nice text.
  6. BandSixFix

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    was planning on doing this too.
  7. BandSixFix

    Are these subjects good to choose for my HSC?

    Any subjects are good. You need to ensure you perform exceptionally well in that UMAT as well as your ATAR. And unless you're naturally gifted (not saying you aren't - you may as well be) in academical intellect, there is no way you can get such a high score(s) unless you are passionate about...
  8. BandSixFix

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    WTF omg you're so fit - I can't even run up my stairs without dying
  9. BandSixFix

    Theresa May: Prime Minister of the UK

    He doesn't rlly care about the economics of politics, even tho politics and economics are SO interlinked.
  10. BandSixFix

    Stronger HSC Standards

    Less focus on memorising English essays (which I find rlly good)
  11. BandSixFix

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    dis is true
  12. BandSixFix

    Really concerned about school

    Guys. You NEED goals. You NEED something to push for. I was in your position end of year 11 - at the beginning I was into my studies and work because I KNEW what I wanted after the HSC. But then that goal disspeared (due to personal reasons) and I was in your position. Procrastinating...
  13. BandSixFix

    Can I get a 90+ ATAR

    is this a joke
  14. BandSixFix

    Orphan Black and Brave New World (MOD C Adv English)???

    I haven't seen it. But I am doing BNW too - is Ophan Black the only related you want/can do?
  15. BandSixFix

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    HE'S ACTUALLY SO HOT FKKKKKKKKKKK holy shit i swear that cannot be legal
  16. BandSixFix

    The Anime Thread

    wow that is interesting. the anime was so sadwtf ;(
  17. BandSixFix


    What scholarship, if I may ask?