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  1. T


    hmmm you could always major in awesomeness in law? because you are "just awesome"
  2. T

    URGENT - Help Needed!

    i woudl call ANU to figure out where you stand with the scholarship - if your not elligible, and can pay the full front fees at Bond - then take that scholarship unless of course u really really want to go to ANU - but if u just want to do law - then go to Bond and take the scholarship
  3. T


  4. T

    Information on Accommodation

    Fenner was co-founded by an orthodox Jewish brotherhood - so i wouldnt be surprised if they made you do Sabbath on Fridays ~ good luck
  5. T

    Any 2010 hopefuls?

    what are TARDIS?
  6. T

    Any 2010 hopefuls?

    did Burgman have an interview process?
  7. T

    Quest for the perfect moisturiser!

    oh just one more question - do you need added sunscreen protection or do you feel that the moisturiser is enough?
  8. T

    Quest for the perfect moisturiser!

    thanks i think ill check out their range - just out of curiousity have you tried their cleansers? and on average how long do they last?
  9. T

    Quest for the perfect moisturiser!

    See if you can help me out: The perfect daily moisturiser for : oily/sensisitive skin (acne and break out prone) affordable (nothing over $30) natural and organic - has few to no chemicals in it.
  10. T

    NIght Lectures?

    cheers !
  11. T

    NIght Lectures?

    just a question to any ANU Students - are there many night lectures in arts and law? and how late do they go until?