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Search results

  1. M

    Maths Advice Please

    get a tutor WHO IS NOT A FAMILY MEMBER because that expectation makes it harder for you to focus and by having someone not related to you its more formal and serious work. came first in 2 unit maths and physics in yr 11, couldnt have gotten there without my tutor. i went from a last in physics...
  2. M

    related texts for peter skrzynecki poems (immigrant chronicle)

    hey guys, i need help deciding on related texts for the immigrant chronicle. so far i have come up with: 1. the kite runner by khaled Hosseini (novel) 2. and a factual short story http://www.brisbane-stories.webcentral.com.au/scatteredpeople/02_stories/04_kitende.htm ii have used these...